
Package: DDS.QueryCondition


package DDS.QueryCondition is

Summary: <<interface>> These are specialised DDS.ReadCondition objects that allow the application to also specify a filter on the locally available data.

Each query condition filter is composed of a DDS.ReadCondition state filter and a content filter expressed as a query_expression and query_parameters.

The query ( query_expression) is similar to an SQL WHERE clause and can be parameterised by arguments that are dynamically changeable by the set_query_parameters() operation.

Two query conditions that have the same query_expression will require unique query condition content filters if their query_paramters differ. Query conditions that differ only in their state masks will share the same query condition content filter.

DDSQueryAndFilterSyntaxModule describes the syntax of query_expression and query_parameters.


Ref (abstract)

type Ref is limited interface and DDS.ReadCondition.Ref;


type Ref_Access is access all Ref'Class;

Subprograms & Entries


function Get_Query_Expression 
(Self: not null access Ref) return DDS.String is abstract;

Summary: Retrieves the query expression.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL


procedure Get_Query_Parameters 
(Self: not null access Ref;
Params: not null access DDS.String_Seq.Sequence) is abstract;

Summary: Retrieves the query parameters.

query_parameters: <<inout>> the query parameters are returned here.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL


procedure Set_Query_Parameters 
(Self: not null access Ref;
Params: DDS.String_Seq.Sequence) is abstract;

Summary: Sets the query parameters.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

query_parameters: <<in>> the new query parameters