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Request-Reply Examples

Examples on how to use the request-reply API. More...

Examples on how to use the request-reply API.

Request-Reply code examples.

Request-Reply Examples

DDS Types

RTI Connext uses DDS data types for sending and receiving requests and replies. Valid types are those generated by the rtiddsgen code generator, the DDS built-in types, and DynamicData. Refer to the User's Manual and the following links for more information:

Set up

Requester: sending requests and receiving replies

Replier: receiving requests and sending replies

Error handling

Creating a Requester

Creating a Requester with optional parameters

Basic Requester example

Taking loaned samples

Taking samples by copy

Correlating requests and replies

Creating a Replier

Basic Replier example

SimpleReplier example

Error handling example

Configuring Request-Reply QoS profiles

If you do not specify your own quality of service parameters (in RTI::Connext::RequestReply::RequesterParams and RTI::Connext::RequestReply::ReplierParams<TReq,TRep>), a RTI::Connext::RequestReply::Requester<TReq,TRep> and RTI::Connext::RequestReply::Replier<TReq,TRep> are created using a default configuration. That configuration is equivalent to the one in the following QoS profile called "default":

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dds xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<qos_library name="RequestReplyExampleProfiles">
<!-- Default QoS:
This profile contains the QoS that Requesters and Repliers
would use by default. We can use it as a base profile to inherit
from and override some parameters
<qos_profile name="default">
<!-- Strict reliable -->
<!-- These are typical protocol parameters for a reliable
DataWriter -->
<nanosec>100000000</nanosec> <!--100ms -->
<nanosec>10000000</nanosec> <!--10ms -->
<nanosec>10000000</nanosec> <!--10ms -->
<!-- This setting enables efficient communication
between a replier and an arbitrary number of requesters
<!-- Strict reliable -->
<!-- These are typical protocol parameters for a reliable
DataReader -->
<!-- This is the profile used by the Requester.
It inherits from "default", defined above,
and overrides some QoS -->
<qos_profile name="RequesterExampleProfile"
<!-- QoS for the data writer that sends requests -->
<!-- QoS for the data reader that receives replies -->
<!-- This is the profile used by the Replier.
It inherits from "default", defined above,
and overrides some QoS -->
<qos_profile name="ReplierExampleProfile"
<!-- QoS for the data writer that sends replies -->
<!-- QoS for the data reader that receives requests -->

You can use the profile called "RequesterExampleProfile", which modifies some parameters from the default. The example Creating a Requester with optional parameters shows how to create a RTI::Connext::RequestReply::Requester<TReq,TRep> using this profile.

See Also
Creating a Requester with optional parameters
Configuring QoS Profiles with XML

RTI Connext .Net APIs Version 5.2.3 Copyright © Wed Apr 27 2016 Real-Time Innovations, Inc