You are here: Part 3: Advanced Concepts > Configuring QoS with XML > How the XML is Validated > Validation at Run-Time

How the XML is Validated

Validation at Run-Time

Connext DDS validates the input XML files using a builtin Document Type Definition (DTD).

You can find a copy of the builtin DTD in <NDDSHOME>/resource/schema/rti_dds_qos_profiles.dtd. (This is only a copy of what the Connext DDS core uses. Changing this file has no effect unless you specify its path with the <!DOCTYPE> tag, described below.)

You can overwrite the builtin DTD by using the XML tag, <!DOCTYPE>. For example, the following indicates that Connext DDS must use a DTD file from a user’s directory to perform validation:

<!DOCTYPE dds SYSTEM "/local/joe/rti/dds/mydds.dtd">

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