An important advantage of Connext DDS is that it can offer the reliability and other QoS guarantees mandated by DDS on top of a very wide variety of transports, including packet-based transports, unreliable networks, multicast-capable transports, bursty or high-latency transports, etc. Connext DDS is also capable of maintaining liveliness and application-level QoS even in the presence of sporadic connectivity loss at the transport level, an important benefit in mobile networks. Connext DDS accomplishes this by implementing a reliable protocol that sequences and acknowledges application-level messages and monitors the liveliness of the link. This is called the Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) protocol; it is an open, international standard.1For a link to the RTPS specification, see the RTI website,
In order to work in this wide range of environments, the reliable protocol defined by RTPS is highly configurable with a set of parameters that let the application fine-tune its behavior to trade-off latency, responsiveness, liveliness, throughput, and resource utilization. This section describes the most important features to the extent needed to understand how the configuration parameters affect its operation.
The most important features of the RTPS protocol are:
In order to support these features, RTPS uses several types of messages: Data messages (DATA), acknowledgments (ACKNACKs), and heartbeats (HBs).
It is important to note that Connext DDS can bundle multiple of the above messages within a single network packet. This ‘submessage bundling’ provides for higher performance communications.
Figure 1 Basic RTPS Reliable Protocol
Basic RTPS Reliable Protocol illustrates the basic behavior of the protocol when an application calls the write() operation on a DataWriter that is associated with a DataReader. As mentioned, the RTPS protocol can bundle multiple submessages into a single network packet. In Basic RTPS Reliable Protocol this feature is used to piggyback a HB message to the DATA message. Note that before the message is sent, the data is given a sequence number (1 in this case) which is stored in the DataWriter’s send queue. As soon as the message is received by the DataReader, it places it into the DataReader’s receive queue. From the sequence number the DataReader can tell that it has not missed any messages and therefore it can make the data available immediately to the user (and call the DataReaderListener). This is indicated by the “4” symbol. The reception of the HB(1) causes the DataReader to check that it has indeed received all updates up to and including the one with sequenceNumber=1. Since this is true, it replies with an ACKNACK(2) to positively acknowledge all messages up to (but not including) sequence number 2. The DataWriter notes that the update has been acknowledged, so it no longer needs to be retained in its send queue. This is indicated by the “4” symbol.
Figure 2 RTPS Reliable Protocol in the Presence of Message Loss
RTPS Reliable Protocol in the Presence of Message Loss illustrates the behavior of the protocol in the presence of lost messages. Assume that the message containing DATA(A,1) is dropped by the network. When the DataReader receives the next message (DATA(B,2); HB(1-2)) the DataReader will notice that the data associated with sequence number 1 was never received. It realizes this because the heartbeat HB(1-2) tells the DataReader that it should have received all messages up to and including the one with sequence number 2. This realization has two consequences:
Reception of the ACKNACK(1) causes the DataWriter to resend DATA(A,1). Once the DataReader receives it, it can ‘commit’ both A and B such that the application can now access both (indicated by the “ü”) and call the DataReaderListener. From there on, the protocol proceeds as before for the next data message (C) and so forth.
A subtle but important feature of the RTPS protocol is that ACKNACK messages are only sent as a direct response to HB messages. This allows the DataWriter to better control the overhead of these ‘administrative’ messages. For example, if the DataWriter knows that it is about to send a chain of DATA messages, it can bundle them all and include a single HB at the end, which minimizes ACKNACK traffic.
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