You are here: Part 3: Advanced Concepts > Configuring QoS with XML > QoS Profiles > Topic Filters

Topic Filters

A QoS profile may contain several writer, reader and topic QoSs. Connext DDS will select a QoS based on the evaluation of a filter expression on the topic name. The filter expression is specified as an attribute in the XML QoS definition. For example:

<qos_profile name="StrictReliableCommunicationProfile">
<datawriter_qos topic_filter="A*">
<datawriter_qos topic_filter="B*">

If topic_filter is not specified in a QoS, Connext DDS will assume the filter '*'. The QoSs with an explicit topic_filter attribute definition will be evaluated in order; they have precedence over a QoS without a topic_filter expression.

The topic_filter attribute is only used with the following APIs:








Other APIs will ignore QoSs with a topic_filter value different than "*". A QoS Profile with QoSs using topic_filter can also inherits from other QoS Profiles. In this case, inheritance will consider the value of the topic_filter expression.

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