All URIs below have the prefix http[s]://server[:port]/dds/rest1

/dds/rest1/types — Types Library

The Types Library is a collection of data types specified in XML that can be used across applications.


This method creates one or more types given their XML representation.


This method returns an XML representation of all the available types. Do not supply a request body with it.


This method deletes a Type with given its type name. Do not supply a request body with it.

/dds/rest1/qos_libraries — Qos Libraries

A QoS Library is a collection of Qos Profiles and/or QoS settings, specified in XML format, that can be used across applications.


This method creates a QoS Library given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with all the available QoS Libraries.


This method deletes a QoS Library given its name. Do not supply a request body with it.

A QoS profile is a collection of QoS settings, usually one per entity, specified in XML format.


This method creates a QoS Profile given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with all the available QoS Profiles within a QoS Library.


This method deletes a QoS Profile given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.

/dds/rest1/domain_libraries — Domain Libraries

A Domain Library provides a way to organize a set of domains that belong to the same system. Domain Libraries can be shared across applications.


This method creates a Domain library given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with the names of all the available Domain Libraries.


This method deletes a QoS Profile given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.

/dds/rest1/applications — Applications

An Application is a collection of instantiated DomainParticipants.


This method creates an Application given its XML representation. The method instantiates all the entities contained in the application as well.


This method returns a list with the names of all the Applications instantiated in the system.


This method deletes an Application given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method creates a DomainParticipant given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with the names of all the DomainParticipants within a given Application. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method enables a DomainParticipant given its name. Entity objects can be created either enabled or disabled. This operation is idempotent, i.e., calling enable on an already enabled DomainParticipant returns OK and has no effect.


This method deletes a DomainParticipant given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method creates a new Topic given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with the names of all the Topics within a given DomainParticipant. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method deletes a Topic given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method registers a Type within a given DomainParticipant. The registered type name is used to refer to a data type within the domain at the time Topics are defined.


This method returns a list with the names of all the Types registered within the given DomainParticipant. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method removes (unregisters) the definition of this type from the given DomainParticipant. This operation does not affect the topics that have already been created with the given type. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method creates a new Publisher given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with the names of all the Publishers within the given DomainParticipant. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method enables a Publisher given its name. Entity objects can be created either enabled or disabled. This operation is idempotent, i.e., calling enable on an already enabled Publisher returns OK and has no effect.


This method deletes an existing Publisher given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method creates a new DataWriter given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with the names of all the DataWriters within the given Publisher. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method writes a data sample using the given DataWriter. In the request body, supply the sample to write using the structure described in the examples. Web Integration Service supports writing samples both in XML (i.e., "application/dds-web+xml") and JSON (i.e., "application/dds-web+json") format. See examples below.


This method enables a DataWriter given its name. Entity objects can be created either enabled or disabled. This operation is idempotent, i.e., calling enable on an already enabled DataWriter returns OK and has no effect.


This method deletes a DataWriter given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method creates a new Subscriber given its XML representation.


This method returns a representation of the list of all the Subscriber objects belonging to the given DomainParticipant. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method enables a Subscriber given its name. Entity objects can be created either enabled or disabled. This operation is idempotent, i.e., calling enable on an already enabled Subscrber returns OK and has no effect.


This method deletes an existing Subscriber given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method creates a new DataReader given its XML representation.


This method returns a list with the names of all the DataReaders within the given Subscriber. Do not supply a request body with this method.


This method retrieves data received by the DataReader given its name. If successful, this method returns a response body with a sequence of samples read. The operation can be complemented with different optional query parameters, which we describe below.


This method enables a DataReader given its name. Entity objects can be created either enabled or disabled. This operation is idempotent, i.e., calling enable on an already enabled DataReader returns OK and has no effect.


This method deletes an existing DataReader given its name. Do not supply a request body with this method.