
Package: DDS.TypeSupport


package DDS.TypeSupport is

Summary: <<interface>> An abstract marker interface that has to be specialized for each concrete user data type that will be used by the application.

The implementation provides an automatic means to generate a type-specific class, FooTypeSupport, from a description of the type in IDL.

A DDS.TypeSupport must be registered using the FooTypeSupport.register_type operation on this type-specific class before it can be used to create DDS.Topic objects.

See also: FooTypeSupport
See also: DDSNddsgenModule


Ref (abstract)

type Ref is interface;


type Ref_Access is access all Ref'Class;

Subprograms & Entries

Create_TypedDataReaderI (abstract)

function Create_TypedDataReaderI 
(Self: access Ref) return DDS.DataReader.Ref_Access is abstract;


procedure Destroy_TypedDataReaderI 
(Self: access Ref;
Reader: in out DDS.DataReader.Ref_Access) is abstract;

Create_TypedDataWriterI (abstract)

function Create_TypedDataWriterI 
(Self: access Ref) return DDS.DataWriter.Ref_Access is abstract;


procedure Destroy_TypedDataWriterI 
(Self: access Ref;
Writer: in out DDS.DataWriter.Ref_Access) is abstract;