RTI Recording Service  Version 6.0.0
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RTI Recording Service Storage APIs

This module contains pluggable storage APIs for reading and writing to custom storage. More...

Data Structures

struct  RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState
 Sample selector. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader
 Discovery stream reader. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader
 Stream reader. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader
 Storage reader. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter
 StorageStreamWriter definition. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter
 A StorageParticipantWriter implements a store() function to store the DCPSParticipant discovery samples to a storage of your choice. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter
 A StoragePublicationWriter implements a store() function to store the DCPSPublication discovery samples to a storage of your choice. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter
 A StorageSubscriptionWriter implements a store() function to store the DCPSSubscription discovery samples to a storage of your choice. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter
 StorageWriter definition. More...


typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ReadFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo ***stream_info_array, int *count, const struct RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState *selector)
 Prototype of the callback function for taking discovery data from the plugin. Discovery data describes which streams are available from storage. This function is a stateful function, as it requires implementations to keep track of the discovery data that has already been provided.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ReturnLoanFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo **stream_info_array, const int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for releasing resources related to the queried stream data. This is called back when the Replay Service has finished with the stream information queried in the take() function.
typedef long long(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_GetServiceStartTimeFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying the start time of the recorded data.
typedef long long(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_GetServiceStopTimeFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying the end time of the recorded data.
typedef int(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_FinishedFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying whether there are no more discovery samples for this stream.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ResetFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service used to start over, restarting the stream reader to the initial state.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ReadFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, RTI_RoutingServiceSample **samples, RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo **sample_info_array, int *count, const struct RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState *selector)
 Prototype of the callback function for retrieving user data from the plugin.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ReturnLoanFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, RTI_RoutingServiceSample *samples, RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for releasing resources related to the queried data samples. This is called back when the Replay Service has finished with the data samples queried in the take() function.
typedef int(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_FinishedFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying whether there are no more samples for this stream.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ResetFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service used to start over, restarting the stream reader to the initial state.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteStreamInfoReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader *stream_reader)
 Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the discovery stream reader.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateStreamInfoReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Prototype of the callback function for creation of a discovery stream reader.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteStreamReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader *stream_reader)
 Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the stream reader.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateStreamReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo *stream_info, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Prototype of the callback function for creation of a stream reader.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteFcn )(struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader *storage_reader)
 Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the storage reader.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateFcn )(const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Storage reader creation function.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter_StoreFcn )(void *stream_writer_data, const RTI_RoutingServiceSample *samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for storing data.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter_StoreFcn )(void *stream_writer_data, const DDS_ParticipantBuiltinTopicData **samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for storing DCPSParticipant data.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter_StoreFcn )(void *stream_writer_data, const DDS_PublicationBuiltinTopicData **samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for storing DCPSPublication data.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter_StoreFcn )(void *stream_writer_data, const DDS_SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData **samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for storing DCPSSubscription data.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateStreamWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo *stream_info, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateParticipantWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data)
 Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreatePublicationWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data)
 Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateSubscriptionWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data)
 Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteStreamWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter *stream_writer)
 Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageStreamWriter.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteParticipantWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter *stream_writer)
 Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageParticipantWriter.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeletePublicationWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter *stream_writer)
 Prototype of the function for deleting a StoragePublicationWriter.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteSubscriptionWriterFcn )(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter *stream_writer)
 Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageSubscriptionWriter.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteFcn )(struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter *storage_writer)
 Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageWriter.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateFcn )(const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Prototype of the function for creating a StorageWriter.

Detailed Description

This module contains pluggable storage APIs for reading and writing to custom storage.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ReadFcn)(void *stream_reader_data, struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo ***stream_info_array, int *count, const struct RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState *selector)

Prototype of the callback function for taking discovery data from the plugin. Discovery data describes which streams are available from storage. This function is a stateful function, as it requires implementations to keep track of the discovery data that has already been provided.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader object.
stream_info_arrayAn array of stream inforamtion that the Replay Service can use to determine which streams are available from storage for replaying or converting to a new format.
countSize of the arrays.
selectorAllows the selection of the data samples to be returned. The service will provide this depending on the specific needs at the time.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ReturnLoanFcn)(void *stream_reader_data, struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo **stream_info_array, const int count)

Prototype of the callback function for releasing resources related to the queried stream data. This is called back when the Replay Service has finished with the stream information queried in the take() function.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader object.
stream_info_arrayAn array of stream_info objects that the plugin can now free.
sample_info_arrayAn array of sample_info objects that the plugin can now free.
countSize of the arrays.
typedef long long(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_GetServiceStartTimeFcn)(void *stream_reader_data)

Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying the start time of the recorded data.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader object.
typedef long long(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_GetServiceStopTimeFcn)(void *stream_reader_data)

Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying the end time of the recorded data.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader object.
typedef int(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_FinishedFcn)(void *stream_reader_data)

Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying whether there are no more discovery samples for this stream.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader object.
1 if there is no more data available for this stream, 0 otherwise.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ResetFcn)(void *stream_reader_data)

Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service used to start over, restarting the stream reader to the initial state.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader object.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ReadFcn)(void *stream_reader_data, RTI_RoutingServiceSample **samples, RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo **sample_info_array, int *count, const struct RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState *selector)

Prototype of the callback function for retrieving user data from the plugin.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader object.
samplesAn array of data samples that Replay Service will replay or convert to a new format.
sample_info_arrayAn array of sample information about the samples, such as recorded timestamps of the sample data.
countSize of the arrays.
selectorAllows the selection of the data samples to be returned. The service will provide this depending on the specific needs at the time.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ReturnLoanFcn)(void *stream_reader_data, RTI_RoutingServiceSample *samples, RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, int count)

Prototype of the callback function for releasing resources related to the queried data samples. This is called back when the Replay Service has finished with the data samples queried in the take() function.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader object.
samplesAn array of sample objects that the plugin can now free.
sample_infosAn array of sample_info objects that the plugin can now free.
countSize of the arrays.
typedef int(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_FinishedFcn)(void *stream_reader_data)

Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying whether there are no more samples for this stream.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader object.
1 if there is no more data available for this stream, 0 otherwise.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ResetFcn)(void *stream_reader_data)

Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service used to start over, restarting the stream reader to the initial state.

After this method is called, the stream reader should be ready to read again from the beginning of the stream.

stream_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader object.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteStreamInfoReaderFcn)(void *storage_reader_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader *stream_reader)

Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the discovery stream reader.

storage_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader object.
stream_readerDiscovery stream reader to be deleted.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateStreamInfoReaderFcn)(void *storage_reader_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)

Prototype of the callback function for creation of a discovery stream reader.

storage_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader object.
propertiesA collection of name-value properties. They include some built-in values, like: 1) name='rti.recording_service.start_timestamp' value=the initial timestamp of the selected time range (64-bit integer in text format) for this stream info reader to query data 2) name='rti.recording_service.end_timestamp' value=the final timestamp of the selected time range (64-bit integer in text format) for this stream info reader to query data
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteStreamReaderFcn)(void *storage_reader_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader *stream_reader)

Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the stream reader.

storage_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader object.
stream_readerStream reader to be deleted.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateStreamReaderFcn)(void *storage_reader_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo *stream_info, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)

Prototype of the callback function for creation of a stream reader.

storage_reader_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader object.
stream_infoInformation about the stream (Topic) this stream reader will query from the database.
propertiesA collection of name-value properties. They include some built-in values, like: 1) name='rti.recording_service.domain_id' value=the DDS domain ID the stream was found in (32-bit integer as text) 2) name='rti.recording_service.start_timestamp' value=the initial timestamp of the selected time range (64-bit integer in text format) for this stream info reader to query data 3) name='rti.recording_service.end_timestamp' value=the final timestamp of the selected time range (64-bit integer in text format) for this stream info reader to query data
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteFcn)(struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader *storage_reader)

Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the storage reader.

storage_readerStorage reader to be deleted.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateFcn)(const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)

Storage reader creation function.

propertiesRouting Service properties, originating in the plugin properties in the XML configuration file. Passed as name/value pairs.

This function is called by Replay Service to create the plugin's storage reader. Later, Replay Service will call functions on the storage reader to create discovery stream readers and stream readers used to query discovery and user data from the database.

The name of this function must be specified in the XML configuration of the Replay Service, as described in the following XML:

      <plugin_library name="StorageLibrary">
          <storage_plugin name="ExamplePlugin">
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter_StoreFcn)(void *stream_writer_data, const RTI_RoutingServiceSample *samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)

Prototype of the callback function for storing data.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter structure.
samplesArray of sample objects, which contain recorded data as DynamicData.
sample_infosArray of information about samples.
countSize of the samples and sample_infos arrays.

A StorageStreamWriter must implement a store() function, which will be used to store data to the storage of your choice.

typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter_StoreFcn)(void *stream_writer_data, const DDS_ParticipantBuiltinTopicData **samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)

Prototype of the callback function for storing DCPSParticipant data.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter structure.
samplesArray of DDS_ParticipantBuiltinTopicData objects to be stored.
sample_infosArray of information about samples.
countSize of the samples and sample_infos arrays.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter_StoreFcn)(void *stream_writer_data, const DDS_PublicationBuiltinTopicData **samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)

Prototype of the callback function for storing DCPSPublication data.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter structure.
samplesArray of DDS_PublicationBuiltinTopicData objects to be stored.
sample_infosArray of information about samples.
countSize of the samples and sample_infos arrays.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter_StoreFcn)(void *stream_writer_data, const DDS_SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData **samples, const RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, const int count)

Prototype of the callback function for storing DCPSSubscription data.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter structure.
samplesArray of DDS_SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData objects to be stored.
sample_infosArray of information about samples.
countSize of the samples and sample_infos arrays.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateStreamWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo *stream_info, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)

Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter structure.
stream_infoInformation about the discovered stream, including stream name (Topic name) and data type.
propertiesA collection of name-value properties. They include some built-in values, like: 1) name='rti.recording_service.domain_id' value=the DDS domain ID the stream was found in (32-bit integer as text) A StorageWriter is responsible for creating StreamWriters when notified about new streams.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateParticipantWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data)

Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter structure.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreatePublicationWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data)

Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter structure.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateSubscriptionWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data)

Prototype of the function for creating a StorageStreamWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter structure.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteStreamWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter *stream_writer)

Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageStreamWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamWriter structure.
stream_writerStreamWriter to delete.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteParticipantWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter *stream_writer)

Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageParticipantWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageParticipantWriter structure.
stream_writerThe ParticipantWriter instance to delete.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeletePublicationWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter *stream_writer)

Prototype of the function for deleting a StoragePublicationWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStoragePublicationWriter structure.
stream_writerThe PublicationWriter instance to delete.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteSubscriptionWriterFcn)(void *storage_writer_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter *stream_writer)

Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageSubscriptionWriter.

storage_writer_dataData you defined when creating the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageSubscriptionWriter structure.
stream_writerThe SubscriptionWriter instance to delete.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_DeleteFcn)(struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter *storage_writer)

Prototype of the function for deleting a StorageWriter.

storage_writerStorageWriter to delete.
typedef struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter*(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageWriter_CreateFcn)(const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)

Prototype of the function for creating a StorageWriter.

propertiesRoutingService properties, originating in the plugin properties in the XML configuration file. Passed as name/value pairs.

This function is called by RTI Recording Service to create the plugin's storage writer, which will then be called to create stream writers for each discovered stream (Topic).

The name of this function must be specified in the XML configuration of the RTI Recording Service, as described in the following XML:

    <plugin_library name="StorageLibrary">
        <storage_plugin name="ExamplePlugin">

RTI Recording Service Version 6.0.0 Copyright © Sun Mar 3 2019 Real-Time Innovations, Inc