RTI Recording Service  Version 6.0.0
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storagereader.ifc File Reference

RTI Recording Service Pluggable Storage Reader API. More...

#include "log/log_makeheader.h"
#include "dds_c/dds_c_infrastructure.h"
#include "routingservice/routingservice_adapter_new.h"

Data Structures

struct  RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState
 Sample selector. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader
 Discovery stream reader. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader
 Stream reader. More...
struct  RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader
 Storage reader. More...


typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ReadFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo ***stream_info_array, int *count, const struct RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState *selector)
 Prototype of the callback function for taking discovery data from the plugin. Discovery data describes which streams are available from storage. This function is a stateful function, as it requires implementations to keep track of the discovery data that has already been provided.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ReturnLoanFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo **stream_info_array, const int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for releasing resources related to the queried stream data. This is called back when the Replay Service has finished with the stream information queried in the take() function.
typedef long long(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_GetServiceStartTimeFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying the start time of the recorded data.
typedef long long(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_GetServiceStopTimeFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying the end time of the recorded data.
typedef int(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_FinishedFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying whether there are no more discovery samples for this stream.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader_ResetFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service used to start over, restarting the stream reader to the initial state.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ReadFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, RTI_RoutingServiceSample **samples, RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo **sample_info_array, int *count, const struct RTI_RecordingServiceSelectorState *selector)
 Prototype of the callback function for retrieving user data from the plugin.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ReturnLoanFcn )(void *stream_reader_data, RTI_RoutingServiceSample *samples, RTI_RoutingServiceSampleInfo *sample_infos, int count)
 Prototype of the callback function for releasing resources related to the queried data samples. This is called back when the Replay Service has finished with the data samples queried in the take() function.
typedef int(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_FinishedFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service querying whether there are no more samples for this stream.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader_ResetFcn )(void *stream_reader_data)
 Prototype of the callback function for Replay Service used to start over, restarting the stream reader to the initial state.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteStreamInfoReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader *stream_reader)
 Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the discovery stream reader.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamInfoReader *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateStreamInfoReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Prototype of the callback function for creation of a discovery stream reader.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteStreamReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader *stream_reader)
 Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the stream reader.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageStreamReader *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateStreamReaderFcn )(void *storage_reader_data, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceStreamInfo *stream_info, const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Prototype of the callback function for creation of a stream reader.
typedef void(* RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_DeleteFcn )(struct RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader *storage_reader)
 Prototype of the callback function for deletion of the storage reader.
typedef struct
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader *(* 
RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateFcn )(const struct RTI_RoutingServiceProperties *properties)
 Storage reader creation function.

Detailed Description

RTI Recording Service Pluggable Storage Reader API.

These APIs define a plugin that can be used by Replay Service and Converter to retrieve data from storage.

You must first define a Storage Reader creation function, implementing the RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader_CreateFcn prototype. This function creates a RTI_RecordingServiceStorageReader, which can then be used to create and delete:

  • Discovery stream readers, which are used by Replay Service and Converter to query which streams and domains are available in storage
  • Stream readers, which are used by Replay Service and Converter to query user data from storage

RTI Recording Service Version 6.0.0 Copyright © Sun Mar 3 2019 Real-Time Innovations, Inc