RTI Routing Service  Version 6.0.0
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
| oNadapter
| |oCAdapterPluginThe top-level plug-in class
| |oCConnectionA Connection provides access to a data domain (such as a DDS domain or a JMS network provider)
| |oCDiscoveryStreamReaderDefinition of a special StreamReader to read information about data streams
| |oCSession
| |oCStreamReaderProvides a way to read samples of a specific type from a data domain. In the XML configuration file, StreamReaders are associated with the tag <input> within <route> and <auto_route>
| |oCTStreamReaderA wrapper implementation of a StreamReader that provides a strongly-typed interface through template parameters for data and info representation
| |oCNoOpStreamReaderAn empty implementation of the TStreamReader interface
| |oCSelectorStateDefines a set of attributes that can be used to read a subset of data from StreamReader
| |oCStreamWriterProvides a way to write samples of a specific type in a data domain
| |oCTStreamWriterA wrapper implementation of a StreamWriter that provides a strongly-typed interface through template parameters for data and info representation
| |\CStreamReaderListenerListener representation used by StreamReader to notify RTI Routing Service when new data is available
| oNprocessor
| |oCInputGeneric Representation of a Route's input
| |oCTypedInputRepresentation of an Input whose data representation is DataRep, whose info representation is InfoRep
| |oCSelectorAn element that allows reading data that meet a set of specified attributes
| |oCLoanedSamplesProvides temporary access to a collection of samples (data and info) from a TypedInput
| |oCOutputGeneric Representation of a Route's output
| |oCTypedOutputRepresentation of an Output whose data representation is DataRep, whose info representation is InfoRep
| |oCProcessorProcessor interface definition. Provides a way to process Route events and control the data forwarding process
| |oCNoOpProcessorAn empty implementation of the pure virtual interface rti::routing::processor::Processor
| |oCProcessorPluginThe top-level plug-in class
| |oCQueryEncapsulates a content query to select data from a rti::routing::adapter::StreamReader
| |oCRouteRepresentation of the Route object that owns a Processor
| |\CSampleIteratorA random-access iterator of LoanedSample
| oNtransf
| |oCTransformationProvides a way to transform input samples into output samples of a different format and/or content
| |oCTypedTransformationA wrapper implementation of a Transformation that provides a strongly-typed interface through template parameters for data and info representation
| |\CTransformationPluginThe top-level plug-in class
| oCRoutingServiceThe RTI Routing Service
| oCLoggerThe singleton type used to configure RTI Routing Service verbosity
| oCServicePropertyConfiguration for a RTI Routing Service object
| oCStreamInfoDefinition of the stream information that RTI Routing Service needs to manage user data streams
| oCTypeRepresentationKind_defThe definition of the rti::routing::TypeRepresentationKind
| oCTypeInfoDefinition of the type information associated with a RTI Routing Service stream
| \CUpdatableEntityDefines a common interface for all the pluggable entities that can be updated at runtime
\CTypeRepresentationKindValid type representations that RTI Routing Service accepts

RTI Routing Service Version 6.0.0 Copyright © Sun Mar 3 2019 Real-Time Innovations, Inc