RTI Connext .Net APIs  Version 6.0.1
DDS::DynamicData Class Reference

A sample of any complex data type, which can be inspected and manipulated reflectively. More...

#include <managed_dynamicdata.h>

Inheritance diagram for DDS::DynamicData:
DDS::ICopyable< DynamicData^>

Public Member Functions

virtual System::Boolean copy_from (DynamicData^ other)
 Deeply copy from the given object to this object. More...
 DynamicData (DDS::TypeCode^ type, DynamicDataProperty_t^ property)
 The constructor for new DDS::DynamicData objects. More...
System::Boolean is_valid ()
 Indicates whether the object was constructed properly. More...
void copy (DynamicData^ src)
 Deeply copy from the given object to this object. More...
System::Boolean equal (DynamicData^ other)
 Indicate whether the contents of another DDS::DynamicData sample are the same as those of this one. More...
void clear_all_members ()
 Clear the contents of all data members of this object. More...
void clear_optional_member (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Clear the contents of a single optional data member of this object. More...
void clear_member (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Clear the contents of a single data member of this object. More...
void get_info (DynamicDataInfo^ info_out)
 Fill in the given descriptor with information about this DDS::DynamicData. More...
void bind_type (DDS::TypeCode^ type)
 If this DDS::DynamicData object is not yet associated with a data type, set that type now to the given DDS::TypeCode. More...
void unbind_type ()
 Dissociate this DDS::DynamicData object from any particular data type. More...
void bind_complex_member (DynamicData^ value_out, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Use another DDS::DynamicData object to provide access to a complex field of this DDS::DynamicData object. More...
void unbind_complex_member (DynamicData^ value)
 Tear down the association created by a DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member operation, committing any changes to the outer object since then. More...
DDS::TypeCodeget_type ()
 Get the data type, of which this DDS::DynamicData represents an instance. More...
TCKind get_type_kind ()
 Get the kind of this object's data type. More...
System::UInt32 get_member_count ()
 Get the number of members in the type. More...
System::Boolean member_exists (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Indicates whether a member of a particular name/ID exists in this data sample. More...
System::Boolean member_exists_in_type (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Indicates whether a member of a particular name/ID exists in this data sample's type. More...
void get_member_info (DynamicDataMemberInfo^ info, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Fill in the given descriptor with information about the identified member of this DDS::DynamicData sample. More...
void get_member_info_by_index (DynamicDataMemberInfo^ info, System::UInt32 index)
 Fill in the given descriptor with information about the identified member of this DDS::DynamicData sample. More...
void get_member_type (DDS::TypeCode^% type_out, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the type of the given member of this sample. More...
System::Boolean is_member_key (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Indicates whether a given member forms part of the key of this sample's data type. More...
System::Int32 get_int (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int32 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, or System::Enum). More...
System::Int16 get_short (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int16 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte or System::Char). More...
System::UInt32 get_uint (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt32 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, or System::Enum). More...
System::UInt16 get_ushort (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt16 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte or System::Char). More...
System::Single get_float (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Single. More...
System::Double get_double (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Double or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Single). More...
System::Boolean get_boolean (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Boolean. More...
System::Char get_char (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char. More...
System::Byte get_byte (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Byte. More...
System::Int64 get_long (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int64 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, System::Int32, System::UInt32, or System::Enum). More...
System::UInt64 get_ulong (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt64 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, System::Int32, System::UInt32, or System::Enum). More...
LongDouble get_longdouble (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type DDS::LongDouble or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Single or System::Double). More...
System::Char get_wchar (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Char). More...
System::String ^ get_string (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::String. More...
System::String ^ get_wstring (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::String. More...
void get_complex_member (DynamicData^ value_out, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the value of the given field, which is of some composed type. More...
void get_int_array (array< System::Int32 >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::Int32 or System::Enum. More...
void get_short_array (array< System::Int16 >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_uint_array (array< System::UInt32 >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::UInt32 or System::Enum. More...
void get_ushort_array (array< System::UInt16 >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_float_array (array< System::Single >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_double_array (array< System::Double >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_boolean_array (array< System::Boolean >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_char_array (array< System::Char >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_byte_array (array< System::Byte >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_long_array (array< System::Int64 >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_ulong_array (array< System::UInt64 >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_longdouble_array (array< LongDouble >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_wchar_array (array< System::Char >^ array, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given array member. More...
void get_int_seq (IntSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_short_seq (ShortSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_uint_seq (UnsignedIntSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_ushort_seq (UnsignedShortSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_float_seq (FloatSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_double_seq (DoubleSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_boolean_seq (BooleanSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_char_seq (CharSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_byte_seq (ByteSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_long_seq (LongSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_ulong_seq (UnsignedLongSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_longdouble_seq (LongDoubleSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void get_wchar_seq (WcharSeq^ seq, System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id)
 Get a copy of the given sequence member. More...
void set_int (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Int32 value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int32. More...
void set_short (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Int16 value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int16. More...
void set_uint (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::UInt32 value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt32. More...
void set_ushort (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::UInt16 value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt16. More...
void set_float (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Single value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Single. More...
void set_double (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Double value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Double. More...
void set_boolean (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Boolean value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Boolean. More...
void set_char (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Char value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char. More...
void set_byte (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Byte value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Byte. More...
void set_long (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Int64 value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int64. More...
void set_ulong (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::UInt64 value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt64. More...
void set_longdouble (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, LongDouble value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type DDS::LongDouble. More...
void set_wchar (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::Char value)
 Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char. More...
void set_string (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::String^ value)
 Set the value of the given field of type System::String. More...
void set_wstring (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, System::String^ value)
 Set the value of the given field of type System::String. More...
void set_complex_member (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, DynamicData^ value)
 Copy the state of the given DDS::DynamicData object into a member of this object. More...
void set_int_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Int32 >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::Int32 or System::Enum. More...
void set_short_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Int16 >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_uint_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::UInt32 >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::UInt32 or System::Enum. More...
void set_ushort_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::UInt16 >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_float_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Single >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_double_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Double >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_boolean_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Boolean >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_char_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Char >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_byte_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Byte >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_long_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Int64 >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_ulong_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::UInt64 >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_longdouble_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< LongDouble >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_wchar_array (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, array< System::Char >^ array)
 Set the contents of the given array member. More...
void set_int_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, IntSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_short_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, ShortSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_uint_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, UnsignedIntSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_ushort_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, UnsignedShortSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_float_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, FloatSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_double_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, DoubleSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_boolean_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, BooleanSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_char_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, CharSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_byte_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, ByteSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_long_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, LongSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_ulong_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, UnsignedLongSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_longdouble_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, LongDoubleSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
void set_wchar_seq (System::String^ member_name, System::Int32 member_id, WcharSeq^ value)
 Set the contents of the given sequence member. More...
System::Int32 to_cdr_buffer (array< System::Byte >^ buffer)
 Serializes a DynamicData object into a CDR buffer of octets. More...
System::Int32 to_cdr_buffer (array< System::Byte >^ buffer, System::Int16 representation)
 Serializes a DynamicData object into a buffer of octets. More...
void from_cdr_buffer (array< System::Byte >^ buffer)
 Deserializes a DynamicData object from a buffer of octets. More...
void to_cdr_buffer (ByteSeq^ sequence)
 Serializes a DynamicData object into a CDR sequence of octets. More...
void to_cdr_buffer (ByteSeq^ sequence, System::Int16 representation)
 Serializes a DynamicData object into a sequence of octets. More...
void from_cdr_buffer (ByteSeq^ sequence)
 Deserializes a DynamicData object from a sequence octets. More...
System::String ^ to_string (PrintFormatProperty^ property)
 Get a string representation of a DynamicData object. More...
System::String ^ to_string ()
 Get a string representation of a DynamicData object using the default values for DDS::PrintFormatProperty. More...
 ~DynamicData ()
 Finalize and deallocate this DDS::DynamicData sample. More...

Static Public Attributes

static System::Int32 MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED
 A sentinel value that indicates that no member ID is needed in order to perform some operation. More...
 Sentinel constant indicating default values for DDS::DynamicDataProperty_t. More...

Detailed Description

A sample of any complex data type, which can be inspected and manipulated reflectively.

Objects of type DDS::DynamicData represent corresponding objects of the type identified by their DDS::TypeCode. Because the definition of these types may not have existed at compile time on the system on which the application is running, you will interact with the data using an API of reflective getters and setters.

For example, if you had access to your data types at compile time, you could do this:

theValue = theObject.theField;

Instead, you will do something like this:

theValue = get(theObject, "theField");

DDS::DynamicData objects can represent any complex data type, including those of type kinds DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY, DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT, DDS::TCKind::TK_UNION, and DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE. They cannot represent objects of basic types (e.g. integers and strings). Since those type definitions always exist on every system, you can examine their objects directly.

Member Names and IDs

The members of a data type can be identified in one of two ways: by their name or by their numeric ID. The former is often more transparent to human users; the latter is typically faster.

You define the name and ID of a type member when you add that member to that type. If you define your type in IDL or XML, the name will be the field name that appears in the type definition; the ID will be the one-based index of the field in declaration order. For example, in the following IDL structure, the ID of theLong is 2.

struct MyNestedType {
char theChar;
octet theOctetArray[10];
long long theMultidimensionalArray[4][6][12];
sequence<long> myArrayOfSeq[8];
struct MyType {
short theShort;
long theLong;
MyNestedType theNestedType;

For unions (DDS::TCKind::TK_UNION), the ID of a member is the discriminator value corresponding to that member. To access the current discriminator of a union, you must use the DDS::DynamicData::get_member_info_by_index operation on the DynamicData object using an index value of 0. This operation fills in a DDS::DynamicDataMemberInfo, then you can access the populated DDS::DynamicDataMemberInfo::member_id field to get the current discriminator. Once you know the value of the discriminator, you can use it in the proper get/set_xxx() operations to access and set the member's value. Here is an example of accessing the discriminator:

DynamicDataMemberInfo memberInfo;
myDynamicData.get_member_info_by_index(memberInfo, 0);
DynamicDataMemberId discriminatorValue = memberInfo.member_id;
DDS_Long myMemberValue = myDynamicData.get_long(NULL, discriminatorValue);

Hierarchical Member Names

It is possible to refer to a nested member in a type without first having to use the DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member API. You can do this by using a hierarchical name. A hierarchical member name is a concatenation of member names separated by the '.' character. The hierarchical name describes the complete path from a top-level type to the nested member. For example, in the above type, any DynamicData API that receives a member name will accept "theNestedType.theChar" to refer to the char member in MyNestedType:

char myChar = myDynamicData.get_char("theNestedType.theChar", DDS_DYNAMIC_DATA_MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED);

In order to access the value of theChar without using a hierarchical name, you would have to first bind to theNestedType and then get the value:

myDynamicData.bind_complex_member(myBoundData, "theNestedType", DDS_DYNAMIC_DATA_MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED);
DDS_Char myChar = myBoundData.get_char("theChar", DDS_DYNAMIC_DATA_MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED);

As you can see, using a hierarchical member name removes the need to call the DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member and DDS::DynamicData::unbind_complex_member APIs, and allows for access to nested members at any depth directly from the top-level type.

The member name can also contain indexes to address members in arrays and sequences. For example, to set the third member in the array theOctetArray, you can pass in "theNestedType.theOctetArray[2]" as the member name to the DDS::DynamicData::set_byte API. The index values when used as part of the member name are 0-based.

For multi-dimensional arrays, the indexes for each dimension should be listed comma-separated in between brackets. For example, to address a member of theMultidimensionalArray, the member name should be something like "theNestedType.theMultidimensionalArray[3,2,5]".

In complex types with arrays and sequences that contain other arrays and sequences, the hierarchical name may include multiple index values, one right after another. For example, in MyNestedType, myArrayOfSeq is an array of sequences. In order to set the third member of the sequence in the fourth member of the array, the member name would be "myNestedType.myArrayOfSeq[3][2]".

Arrays and Sequences

The "members" of array and sequence types, unlike those of structure and union types, don't have names or explicit member IDs. However, they may nevertheless be accessed by "ID": the ID is one more than the index. (The first element has ID 1, the second 2, etc.)

Multi-dimensional arrays are effectively flattened by this pattern. For example, for an array theArray[4][5], accessing ID 7 is equivalent to index 6, or the second element of the second group of 5.

To determine the length of a collection-typed member of a structure or union, you have two choices:

  1. Get the length along with the data: call the appropriate array accessor (see Getters and Setters) and check the resulting length.
  2. Get the length without getting the data itself: call DDS::DynamicData::get_member_info and check the resulting DDS::DynamicDataMemberInfo::element_count.

Available Functionality

The Dynamic Data API is large when measured by the number of methods it contains. But each method falls into one of a very small number of categories. You will find it easier to navigate this documentation if you understand these categories.

Lifecycle and Utility Methods

Managing the lifecycle of DDS::DynamicData objects is simple. You have two choices:

  1. Usually, you will go through a DDS::DynamicDataTypeSupport factory object, which will ensure that the type and property information for the new DDS::DynamicData object corresponds to a registered type in your system.
  2. In certain advanced cases, such as when you're navigating a nested structure, you will want to have a DDS::DynamicData object that is not bound up front to any particular type, or you will want to initialize the object in a custom way. In that case, you can call the constructor directly.
DDS::DynamicDataTypeSupport DDS::DynamicData
DDS::DynamicDataTypeSupport::create_data DDS::DynamicData::DynamicData

You can also copy DDS::DynamicData objects:

You can test them for equality:

Getters and Setters

Most methods get or set the value of some field. These methods are named according to the type of the field they access.

The names of types vary across languages. The programming API for each language reflects that programming language. However, if your chosen language does not use the same names as the language that you used to define your types (e.g., IDL), or if you need to interoperate among programming languages, you will need to understand these differences. They are explained the following table. (Note: for modern C++, see the RTI Connext Modern C++ API reference.)

Type Names Across Languages
Type IDL C, Traditional C++ C++/CLI (C#) Java Ada
16-bit integer short DDS_Short System::Int16 short Standard.DDS.Short
32-bit integer long DDS_Long System::Int32 int Standard.DDS.Long
64-bit integer long long DDS_LongLong System::Int64 long Standard.DDS.Long_Long
Unsigned 16-bit integer unsigned short DDS_UnsignedShort System::UInt16 short Standard.DDS.Unsigned_Short
Unsigned 32-bit integer unsigned long DDS_UnsignedLong System::UInt32 int Standard.DDS.Long
Unsigned 64-bit integer unsigned long long DDS_UnsignedLongLong System::UInt64 long Standard.DDS.Unsigned_Long_Long
float float DDS_Float System::Single float Standard.DDS.Float
double double DDS_Double System::Double double Standard.DDS.Double
long double long double DDS_LongDouble DDS::LongDouble double Standard.DDS.Long_Double
character char DDS_Char System::Char char Standard.DDS.Char
wide character wchar DDS_Wchar System::Char N/A (use short) Standard.DDS.Wchar
octet octet DDS_Octet System::Byte byte Standard.DDS.Octet
boolean boolean DDS_Boolean System::Boolean boolean Standard.DDS.Boolean
string string DDS_Char* System::String String Standard.DDS.String
wstring wstring DDS_Wchar* System::String String Standard.DDS.Wide_String

When working with a DDS::DynamicData object representing an array or sequence, calling one of the "get" methods below for an index that is out of bounds will result in DDS::Retcode_NoData. Calling "set" for an index that is past the end of a sequence will cause that sequence to automatically lengthen (filling with default contents).

When working with a DDS::DynamicData object whose type contains optional members, calling one of the "get" methods below on an unset optional member or any member that is part of an unset complex optional member will result in DDS::Retcode_NoData.

Basic Types
DDS::DynamicData::get_int DDS::DynamicData::set_int
DDS::DynamicData::get_uint DDS::DynamicData::set_uint
DDS::DynamicData::get_short DDS::DynamicData::set_short
DDS::DynamicData::get_ushort DDS::DynamicData::set_ushort
DDS::DynamicData::get_long DDS::DynamicData::set_long
DDS::DynamicData::get_ulong DDS::DynamicData::set_ulong
DDS::DynamicData::get_float DDS::DynamicData::set_float
DDS::DynamicData::get_double DDS::DynamicData::set_double
DDS::DynamicData::get_longdouble DDS::DynamicData::set_longdouble
DDS::DynamicData::get_boolean DDS::DynamicData::set_boolean
DDS::DynamicData::get_byte DDS::DynamicData::set_byte
DDS::DynamicData::get_char DDS::DynamicData::set_char
DDS::DynamicData::get_wchar DDS::DynamicData::set_wchar
DDS::DynamicData::get_string DDS::DynamicData::set_string
DDS::DynamicData::get_wstring DDS::DynamicData::set_wstring

Structures, Arrays, and Other Complex Types
DDS::DynamicData::get_complex_member DDS::DynamicData::set_complex_member

Arrays of Basic Types
DDS::DynamicData::get_int_array DDS::DynamicData::set_int_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_uint_array DDS::DynamicData::set_uint
DDS::DynamicData::get_short_array DDS::DynamicData::set_short_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_ushort_array DDS::DynamicData::set_ushort_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_long_array DDS::DynamicData::set_long_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_ulong_array DDS::DynamicData::set_ulong_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_float_array DDS::DynamicData::set_float_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_double_array DDS::DynamicData::set_double_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_longdouble_array DDS::DynamicData::set_longdouble_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_boolean_array DDS::DynamicData::set_boolean
DDS::DynamicData::get_byte_array DDS::DynamicData::set_byte_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_char_array DDS::DynamicData::set_char_array
DDS::DynamicData::get_wchar_array DDS::DynamicData::set_wchar_array

Sequences of Basic Types
DDS::DynamicData::get_int_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_int_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_uint_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_uint_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_short_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_short_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_ushort_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_ushort_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_long_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_long_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_ulong_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_ulong_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_float_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_float_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_double_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_double_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_longdouble_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_longdouble_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_boolean_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_boolean_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_byte_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_byte_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_char_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_char_seq
DDS::DynamicData::get_wchar_seq DDS::DynamicData::set_wchar_seq

In addition to getting or setting a field, you can "clear" its value; that is, set it to a default zero value.

Query and Iteration

Not all components of your application will have static knowledge of all of the fields of your type. Sometimes, you will want to query meta-data about the fields that appear in a given data sample.

Type/Object Association

Sometimes, you may want to change the association between a data object and its type. This is not something you can do with a typical object, but with DDS::DynamicData objects, it is a powerful capability. It allows you to, for example, examine nested structures without copying them by using a "bound" DDS::DynamicData object as a view into an enclosing DDS::DynamicData object.


Keys can be specified in dynamically defined types just as they can in types defined in generated code.

MT Safety:
UNSAFE. In general, using a single DDS::DynamicData object concurrently from multiple threads is unsafe.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DynamicData()

DDS::DynamicData::DynamicData ( DDS::TypeCode type,
DynamicDataProperty_t property 

The constructor for new DDS::DynamicData objects.

The type parameter may be null. In that case, this DDS::DynamicData must be bound with DDS::DynamicData::bind_type or DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member before it can be used.

If the DDS::TypeCode is not null, the newly constructed DDS::DynamicData object will retain a reference to it. It is not safe to delete the DDS::TypeCode until all samples that use it have themselves been deleted.

In most cases, it is not necessary to call this constructor explicitly. Instead, use DDS::DynamicDataTypeSupport::create_data, and the DDS::TypeCode and properties will be specified for you. Using the factory method also ensures that the memory management contract documented above is followed correctly, because the DDS::DynamicDataTypeSupport object maintains the DDS::TypeCode used by the samples it creates.

However you create a DDS::DynamicData object, you must delete it when you are finished with it. If you choose to use this constructor, delete the object with the destructor: DDS::DynamicData::~DynamicData.

In C#:

DynamicData sample = new DynamicData(
myType, myProperties);
// Do something...

In C++/CLI:

DynamicData^ sample = gcnew DynamicData(
myType, myProperties);
// Do something...
delete sample;
type<<in>> The type of which the new object will represent an object.
property<<in>> Properties that configure the behavior of the new object. Most users can simply use DDS::DynamicDataProperty_t::DYNAMIC_DATA_PROPERTY_DEFAULT.
See also

◆ ~DynamicData()

DDS::DynamicData::~DynamicData ( )

Finalize and deallocate this DDS::DynamicData sample.

MT Safety:
See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ copy_from()

virtual System::Boolean DDS::DynamicData::copy_from ( DynamicData other)

Deeply copy from the given object to this object.

MT Safety:
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

Reimplemented from DDS::ICopyable< DynamicData^>.

◆ is_valid()

System::Boolean DDS::DynamicData::is_valid ( )

Indicates whether the object was constructed properly.

This method returns true if the constructor succeeded; it returns false if the constructor failed for any reason, which should also have resulted in a log message. It is only necessary to call this method if you created the DDS::DynamicData object using the constructor, DDS::DynamicData::DynamicData.

Possible failure reasons include passing an invalid type or invalid properties to the constructor.

This method is necessary because C++ exception support is not consistent across all of the platforms on which RTI Connext runs. Therefore, the implementation does not throw any exceptions in the constructor.

MT Safety:
See also

◆ copy()

void DDS::DynamicData::copy ( DynamicData src)

Deeply copy from the given object to this object.

MT Safety:
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources

◆ equal()

System::Boolean DDS::DynamicData::equal ( DynamicData other)

Indicate whether the contents of another DDS::DynamicData sample are the same as those of this one.

This operation compares the data and type of existing members.

MT Safety:

◆ clear_all_members()

void DDS::DynamicData::clear_all_members ( )

Clear the contents of all data members of this object.

MT Safety:
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ clear_optional_member()

void DDS::DynamicData::clear_optional_member ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Clear the contents of a single optional data member of this object.

This method is only applicable to optional members. Members of unions, sequences, and arrays are not considered optional.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member (to look up the member by name), or null (to look up the member by its ID).
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member (to look up the member by its ID), or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED (to look up the member by name). See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ clear_member()

void DDS::DynamicData::clear_member ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Clear the contents of a single data member of this object.

This method can be used to clear both optional and non-optional members.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member to clear or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member to clear or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ get_info()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_info ( DynamicDataInfo info_out)

Fill in the given descriptor with information about this DDS::DynamicData.

MT Safety:
info_out<<out>> The descriptor object whose contents will be overwritten by this operation.

◆ bind_type()

void DDS::DynamicData::bind_type ( DDS::TypeCode type)

If this DDS::DynamicData object is not yet associated with a data type, set that type now to the given DDS::TypeCode.

This advanced operation allows you to reuse a single DDS::DynamicData object with multiple data types.

In C#:

DynamicData myData = new DynamicData(null, myProperties);
TypeCode myType = ...;
try {
// Do something...
} finally {

In C++/CLI:

DynamicData^ myData = gcnew DynamicData(nullptr, myProperties);
TypeCode^ myType = ...;
try {
// Do something...
} finally {
delete myData;

Note that the DDS::DynamicData object will retain a reference to the DDS::TypeCode object you provide. It is not safe to delete the DDS::TypeCode until after it is unbound.

MT Safety:
type<<in>> The type to associate with this DDS::DynamicData object.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ unbind_type()

void DDS::DynamicData::unbind_type ( )

Dissociate this DDS::DynamicData object from any particular data type.

This step is necessary before the object can be associated with a new data type.

This operation clears all members as a side effect.

MT Safety:
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ bind_complex_member()

void DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member ( DynamicData value_out,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Use another DDS::DynamicData object to provide access to a complex field of this DDS::DynamicData object.

For example, consider the following data types:

struct MyFieldType {
float theFloat;
struct MyOuterType {
MyFieldType complexMember;

Suppose you have an instance of MyOuterType, and you would like to examine the contents of its member complexMember. To do this, you must bind another DDS::DynamicData object to that member. This operation will bind the type code of the member to the provided DDS::DynamicData object and perform additional initialization.

The following example demonstrates the usage pattern. Note that error handling has been omitted for brevity.

In C#:

DynamicData outer = ...;
DynamicData toBeBound = new DynamicData(null, myProperties);
try {
float theFloatValue = toBeBound.get_float(
} finally {

In C++/CLI:

DynamicData^ outer = ...;
DynamicData^ toBeBound = gcnew DynamicData(nullptr, myProperties);
try {
float theFloatValue = toBeBound->get_float(
} finally {
delete toBeBound;

This operation is only permitted when the object toBeBound (named as in the example above) is not currently associated with any type, including already being bound to another member. You can see in the example that this object is created directly with the constructer and is not provided with a DDS::TypeCode.

Only a single member of a given DDS::DynamicData object may be bound at one time – however, members of members may be recursively bound to any depth. Furthermore, while the outer object has a bound member, it may only be modified through that bound member. That is, after calling this member, all "set" operations on the outer object will be disabled until DDS::DynamicData::unbind_complex_member has been called. Furthermore, any bound member must be unbound before a sample can be written or deleted.

This method is logically related to DDS::DynamicData::get_complex_member in that both allow you to examine the state of nested objects. They are different in an important way: this method provides a view into an outer object, such that any change made to the inner object will be reflected in the outer. But the DDS::DynamicData::get_complex_member operation copies the state of the nested object; changes to it will not be reflected in the source object.

Note that you can bind to a member of a sequence at an index that is past the current length of that sequence. In that case, this method behaves like a "set" method: it automatically lengthens the sequence (filling in default elements) to allow the bind to take place. See Getters and Setters.

MT Safety:
value_out<<out>> The object that you wish to bind to the field.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ unbind_complex_member()

void DDS::DynamicData::unbind_complex_member ( DynamicData value)

Tear down the association created by a DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member operation, committing any changes to the outer object since then.

Some changes to the outer object will not be observable until after you have performed this operation.

If you have called DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member on a data sample, you must unbind before writing or deleting the sample.

MT Safety:
value<<in>> The same object you passed to DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member. This argument is used for error checking purposes.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ get_type()

DDS::TypeCode ^ DDS::DynamicData::get_type ( )

Get the data type, of which this DDS::DynamicData represents an instance.

MT Safety:

◆ get_type_kind()

TCKind DDS::DynamicData::get_type_kind ( )

Get the kind of this object's data type.

This is a convenience method. It's equivalent to calling DDS::DynamicData::get_type followed by DDS::TypeCode::kind.

MT Safety:

◆ get_member_count()

System::UInt32 DDS::DynamicData::get_member_count ( )

Get the number of members in the type.

For objects of type kind DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY or DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, this method returns the number of elements in the collection.

For objects of type kind DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT or DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE, it returns the number of fields in the type.

MT Safety:
See also

◆ member_exists()

System::Boolean DDS::DynamicData::member_exists ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Indicates whether a member of a particular name/ID exists in this data sample.

You only need to specify the name OR the ID (not both).

The result of this method will be the same as that of DDS::DynamicData::member_exists_in_type for all non-optional members and optional members that are set. For unset optional members in a type, this method will return false.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
See also

◆ member_exists_in_type()

System::Boolean DDS::DynamicData::member_exists_in_type ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Indicates whether a member of a particular name/ID exists in this data sample's type.

You only need to specify the name OR the ID (not both).

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
See also

◆ get_member_info()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_member_info ( DynamicDataMemberInfo info,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Fill in the given descriptor with information about the identified member of this DDS::DynamicData sample.

This operation is valid for objects of DDS::TCKind DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY, DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT, and DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE.

MT Safety:
info<<out>> The descriptor object whose contents will be overwritten by this operations.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member for which to get the info or null to look up the member by its ID. Only one of the name and the ID may be unspecified.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member for which to get the info, or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ get_member_info_by_index()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_member_info_by_index ( DynamicDataMemberInfo info,
System::UInt32  index 

Fill in the given descriptor with information about the identified member of this DDS::DynamicData sample.

This operation is valid for objects of DDS::TCKind DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY, DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT, DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE, and DDS::TCKind::TK_UNION.

MT Safety:
info<<out>> The descriptor object whose contents will be overwritten by this operations.
index<<in>> The zero-base of the member for which to get the info.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ get_member_type()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_member_type ( DDS::TypeCode^%  type_out,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the type of the given member of this sample.

The member can be looked up either by name or by ID.

This operation is valid for objects of DDS::TCKind DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY, DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT, and DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE. For type kinds DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY and DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, the index into the collection is taken to be one less than the ID, if specified. If this index is valid, this operation will return the content type of this collection.

MT Safety:
type_out<<out>> If this method returned success, this argument refers to the found member's type.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes
See also

◆ is_member_key()

System::Boolean DDS::DynamicData::is_member_key ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Indicates whether a given member forms part of the key of this sample's data type.

This operation is only valid for samples of types of kind DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT or DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes

◆ get_int()

System::Int32 DDS::DynamicData::get_int ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int32 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, or System::Enum).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_short()

System::Int16 DDS::DynamicData::get_short ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int16 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte or System::Char).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_uint()

System::UInt32 DDS::DynamicData::get_uint ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt32 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, or System::Enum).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_ushort()

System::UInt16 DDS::DynamicData::get_ushort ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt16 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte or System::Char).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_float()

System::Single DDS::DynamicData::get_float ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Single.

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_double()

System::Double DDS::DynamicData::get_double ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Double or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Single).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_boolean()

System::Boolean DDS::DynamicData::get_boolean ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Boolean.

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_char()

System::Char DDS::DynamicData::get_char ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char.

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_byte()

System::Byte DDS::DynamicData::get_byte ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Byte.

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_long()

System::Int64 DDS::DynamicData::get_long ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int64 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, System::Int32, System::UInt32, or System::Enum).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_ulong()

System::UInt64 DDS::DynamicData::get_ulong ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt64 or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Byte, System::Char, System::Int16, System::UInt16, System::Int32, System::UInt32, or System::Enum).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_longdouble()

LongDouble DDS::DynamicData::get_longdouble ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type DDS::LongDouble or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Single or System::Double).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_wchar()

System::Char DDS::DynamicData::get_wchar ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char or another type implicitly convertible to it (System::Char).

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_string()

System::String ^ DDS::DynamicData::get_string ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::String.

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_wstring()

System::String ^ DDS::DynamicData::get_wstring ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get the value of the given field, which is of type System::String.

The member may be specified by name or by ID.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_complex_member()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_complex_member ( DynamicData value_out,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the value of the given field, which is of some composed type.

The member may be of type kind DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY, DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT, DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE, or DDS::TCKind::TK_UNION. It may be specified by name or by ID.

This method is logically related to DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member in that both allow you to examine the state of nested objects. They are different in an important way: this method provides a copy of the data; changes to it will not be reflected in the source object.

MT Safety:
value_out<<out>> The DDS::DynamicData sample whose contents will be overwritten by this operation. This object must not be a bound member of another DDS::DynamicData sample.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_int_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_int_array ( array< System::Int32 >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::Int32 or System::Enum.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from IntSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_short_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_short_array ( array< System::Int16 >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::ShortSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_uint_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_uint_array ( array< System::UInt32 >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::UInt32 or System::Enum.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from UnsignedIntSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_ushort_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_ushort_array ( array< System::UInt16 >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::UnsignedShortSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_float_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_float_array ( array< System::Single >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::FloatSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_double_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_double_array ( array< System::Double >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::DoubleSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_boolean_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_boolean_array ( array< System::Boolean >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::BooleanSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_char_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_char_array ( array< System::Char >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::CharSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_byte_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_byte_array ( array< System::Byte >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from ByteSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_long_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_long_array ( array< System::Int64 >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from LongSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_ulong_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_ulong_array ( array< System::UInt64 >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::UnsignedLongSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_longdouble_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_longdouble_array ( array< LongDouble >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::LongDoubleSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_wchar_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_wchar_array ( array< System::Char >^  array,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from DDS::WcharSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
array<<out>> An already-allocated array, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData
See also

◆ get_int_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_int_seq ( IntSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Int32.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_short_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_short_seq ( ShortSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Int16.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_uint_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_uint_seq ( UnsignedIntSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::UInt32.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_ushort_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_ushort_seq ( UnsignedShortSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::UInt16.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_float_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_float_seq ( FloatSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Single.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_double_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_double_seq ( DoubleSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Double.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_boolean_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_boolean_seq ( BooleanSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Boolean.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_char_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_char_seq ( CharSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Char.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_byte_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_byte_seq ( ByteSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Byte.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_long_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_long_seq ( LongSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Int64.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_ulong_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_ulong_seq ( UnsignedLongSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::UInt64.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_longdouble_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_longdouble_seq ( LongDoubleSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of DDS::LongDouble.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ get_wchar_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::get_wchar_seq ( WcharSeq seq,
System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id 

Get a copy of the given sequence member.

The provided sequence will be automatically resized as necessary.

This method will perform an automatic conversion from an array of System::Char.

MT Safety:
seq<<out>> A sequence, into which the elements will be copied.
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes. If the member is optional and not set, this operation will return DDS::Retcode_NoData. This operation may also return DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.
See also

◆ set_int()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_int ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Int32  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int32.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_short()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_short ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Int16  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int16.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_uint()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_uint ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::UInt32  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt32.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_ushort()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_ushort ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::UInt16  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt16.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_float()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_float ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Single  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Single.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_double()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_double ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Double  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Double.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_boolean()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_boolean ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Boolean  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Boolean.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_char()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_char ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Char  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_byte()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_byte ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Byte  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Byte.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_long()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_long ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Int64  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Int64.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_ulong()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_ulong ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::UInt64  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::UInt64.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_longdouble()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_longdouble ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
LongDouble  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type DDS::LongDouble.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_wchar()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_wchar ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::Char  value 

Set the value of the given field, which is of type System::Char.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_string()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_string ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::String^  value 

Set the value of the given field of type System::String.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_wstring()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_wstring ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
System::String^  value 

Set the value of the given field of type System::String.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The value to which to set the member.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_complex_member()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_complex_member ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
DynamicData value 

Copy the state of the given DDS::DynamicData object into a member of this object.

The member may be of type kind DDS::TCKind::TK_ARRAY, DDS::TCKind::TK_SEQUENCE, DDS::TCKind::TK_STRUCT, DDS::TCKind::TK_VALUE, or DDS::TCKind::TK_UNION. It may be specified by name or by ID.

Example: Copying Data

This method can be used with DDS::DynamicData::bind_complex_member to copy from one DDS::DynamicData object to another efficiently. Suppose the following data structure:

struct Bar {
short theShort;
struct Foo {
Bar theBar;

Suppose we have two instances of Foo, foo_dst and foo_src, and we want to replace the contents of foo_dst.theBar with the contents of foo_src.theBar. The following example shows how to do this (error handling has been omitted for the sake of brevity).

In C#:

DynamicData foo_dst = ...;
DynamicData foo_src = ...;
DynamicData bar = new DynamicData(null, myProperties);
// Point to the source of the copy:
try {
// Just one copy:
} finally {
// Tear down:

In C++/CLI:

DynamicData^ foo_dst = ...;
DynamicData^ foo_src = ...;
DynamicData^ bar = gcnew DynamicData(nullptr, myProperties);
// Point to the source of the copy:
try {
// Just one copy:
} finally {
// Tear down:
delete bar;
MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<in>> The source DDS::DynamicData object whose contents will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_int_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_int_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Int32 >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::Int32 or System::Enum.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to IntSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_short_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_short_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Int16 >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::ShortSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_uint_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_uint_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::UInt32 >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member. The array may contain members of type System::UInt32 or System::Enum.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to UnsignedIntSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_ushort_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_ushort_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::UInt16 >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::UnsignedShortSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_float_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_float_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Single >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::FloatSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_double_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_double_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Double >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::DoubleSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_boolean_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_boolean_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Boolean >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::BooleanSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_char_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_char_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Char >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::CharSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_byte_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_byte_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Byte >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to ByteSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_long_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_long_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Int64 >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to LongSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_ulong_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_ulong_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::UInt64 >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::UnsignedLongSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_longdouble_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_longdouble_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< LongDouble >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::LongDoubleSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_wchar_array()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_wchar_array ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
array< System::Char >^  array 

Set the contents of the given array member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to DDS::WcharSeq.

If the destination array is insufficiently long to store the data, this operation will fail without copying anything.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
array<<in>> The elements to copy.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_int_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_int_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
IntSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Int32.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_short_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_short_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
ShortSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Int16.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_uint_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_uint_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
UnsignedIntSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::UInt32.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_ushort_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_ushort_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
UnsignedShortSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::UInt16.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_float_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_float_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
FloatSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Single.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_double_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_double_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
DoubleSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Double.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_boolean_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_boolean_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
BooleanSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Boolean.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_char_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_char_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
CharSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Char.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_byte_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_byte_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
ByteSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Byte.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_long_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_long_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
LongSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Int64.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_ulong_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_ulong_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
UnsignedLongSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::UInt64.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_longdouble_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_longdouble_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
LongDoubleSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of DDS::LongDouble.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ set_wchar_seq()

void DDS::DynamicData::set_wchar_seq ( System::String^  member_name,
System::Int32  member_id,
WcharSeq value 

Set the contents of the given sequence member.

This method will perform an automatic conversion to an array of System::Char.

MT Safety:
member_name<<in>> The name of the member or null to look up the member by its ID.
member_id<<in>> The ID of the member or DDS::DynamicData::MEMBER_ID_UNSPECIFIED to look up by name. See Member Names and IDs.
value<<out>> A sequence, from which the elements will be copied.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes or DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources
See also

◆ to_cdr_buffer() [1/4]

System::Int32 DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer ( array< System::Byte >^  buffer)

Serializes a DynamicData object into a CDR buffer of octets.

This method serializes a DynamicData object into a buffer of octets, using CDR as the data representation. Calling this method is equivalent to calling DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer with DDS::DataRepresentationId_t::AUTO_DATA_REPRESENTATION as the representation.

The input buffer must be large enough to store the serialized representation of the DynamicData object. Otherwise, the method will return an error code.

To determine the minimum size of the input buffer, the user must call this method with the buffer set to null.

buffer<<out>>. Serialization buffer.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes

◆ to_cdr_buffer() [2/4]

System::Int32 DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer ( array< System::Byte >^  buffer,
System::Int16  representation 

Serializes a DynamicData object into a buffer of octets.

This method serializes a DynamicData object into a buffer of octets using the input data representation. See DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer for details.

buffer<<out>>. Serialization buffer.
representation<<in>>. Representation used to serialize the data

◆ from_cdr_buffer() [1/2]

void DDS::DynamicData::from_cdr_buffer ( array< System::Byte >^  buffer)

Deserializes a DynamicData object from a buffer of octets.

This method deserializes a DynamicData object from a CDR buffer of octets.

The content of the buffer generated by the method DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer can be provided to this method to get the DynamicData object back.

buffer<<in>>. Deserialization buffer.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes

◆ to_cdr_buffer() [3/4]

void DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer ( ByteSeq sequence)

Serializes a DynamicData object into a CDR sequence of octets.

This method serializes a DynamicData object into a sequence of octets, using CDR as the data representation.

The behavior of this method is the same as that of the DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer method, except that it receives a ByteSeq as a serialization output.

This method may resize sequence as needed to fit the serialized DynamicData object.

See also
sequence<<out>>. Serialization byte sequence.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes

◆ to_cdr_buffer() [4/4]

void DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer ( ByteSeq sequence,
System::Int16  representation 

Serializes a DynamicData object into a sequence of octets.

This method serializes a DynamicData object into a sequence of octets using the input data representation.

The behavior of this method is the same as that of the DDS::DynamicData::to_cdr_buffer method, except that it receives a ByteSeq as a serialization output.

This method may resize sequence as needed to fit the serialized DynamicData object.

See also
sequence<<out>>. Serialization byte sequence.
representation<<in>>. Representation used to serialize the data.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes

◆ from_cdr_buffer() [2/2]

void DDS::DynamicData::from_cdr_buffer ( ByteSeq sequence)

Deserializes a DynamicData object from a sequence octets.

This method deserializes the a DynamicData object from a CDR sequence of octets.

The behavior of this method is the same as that of the DDS::DynamicData::from_cdr_buffer method, except that it receives a ByteSeq as deserialization input.

See also
sequence<<in>>. Deserialization octet sequence. Cannot be ull.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes

◆ to_string() [1/2]

System::String ^ DDS::DynamicData::to_string ( PrintFormatProperty property)

Get a string representation of a DynamicData object.

This method takes a dynamic data sample and creates a string representation of the data.

If the size of the output string is longer than the size of an unsigned 32-bit integer, this operation will fail with DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources.

property<<in>>. Properties describing what the format of the output string should be. Cannot be ull.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes, DDS::Retcode_OutOfResources

◆ to_string() [2/2]

System::String ^ DDS::DynamicData::to_string ( )

Get a string representation of a DynamicData object using the default values for DDS::PrintFormatProperty.

See also

RTI Connext .Net APIs Version 6.0.1 Copyright © Sat Nov 23 2019 Real-Time Innovations, Inc