28. Introduction to Secure WAN Transport

Secure WAN Transport provides transport plugins that can be used by developers of Connext DDS applications. These transport plugins allow Connext DDS applications running on private networks to communicate securely over a Wide-Area Network (WAN), such the internet. There are two primary components in the package which may be used independently or together: communication over Wide-Area Networks that involve Network Address Translators (NATs), and secure communication with support for peer authentication and encrypted data transport.

The Connext DDS core is transport-agnostic. Connext DDS offers three built-in transports: UDP/IPv4, UDP/IPv6, and inter-process shared memory. The implementation of NAT traversal and secure communication is done at the transport level so that the Connext DDS core is not affected and does not need to be changed, although there is additional on-the-wire traffic.

The basic problem to overcome in a WAN environment is that messages sent from an application on a private local-area network (LAN) appear to come from the LAN's router address, not from the internal IP address of the host running the application. This is due to the existence of a Network Address Translator (NAT) at the gateway. This does not cause problems for client/server systems because only the server needs to be globally addressable; it is only a problem for systems with peer-to-peer communication models, such as Connext DDS.Secure WAN Transport solves this problem, allowing communication between peers that are in separate LAN networks, using a UDP hole-punching mechanism based on the STUN protocol (IETF RFC 3489bis) for NAT traversal. This requires the use of an additional rendezvous server application, the RTI WAN Server.

Once the transport has enabled traffic to cross the NAT gateway to the WAN, it is flowing on network hardware that is shared (in some cases, over the public internet). In this context, it is important to consider the security of data transmission. There are three primary issues involved:

Secure WAN Transport addresses these problems by wrapping all RTPS-encoded data using the DTLS protocol (IETF RFC 4347), which is a variant of SSL/TLS that can be used over a datagram network-layer transport such as UDP. The security features of the WAN Transport may also be used on an untrusted local-area network with the Secure Transport.

In summary, the package includes two transports:

Multicast communication is not supported by either of these transports.

This chapter provides a technical overview of:

For information on how to use Secure WAN Transport with your Connext DDS application, see 29. Configuring RTI Secure WAN Transport.

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