RTI Connext .NET API (legacy)  Version 6.1.0

Indicates the level of reliability offered/requested by RTI Connext. More...


struct  DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicy
 Indicates the level of reliability offered/requested by RTI Connext. More...


enum  DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicyKind : UINT32 {
 Kinds of reliability. More...
enum  DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicyAcknowledgmentModeKind : UINT32 {
  DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicyAcknowledgmentModeKind::APPLICATION_AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_MODE ,
 <<extension>> Kinds of acknowledgment. More...


static System::String ^ DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicy::get_reliability_qos_policy_name ()
 Stringified human-readable name for DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicy. More...

Detailed Description

Indicates the level of reliability offered/requested by RTI Connext.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ReliabilityQosPolicyKind

enum DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicyKind : UINT32

Kinds of reliability.


Indicates that it is acceptable to not retry propagation of any samples.

Presumably new values for the samples are generated often enough that it is not necessary to re-send or acknowledge any samples.

[default] for DDS::DataReader and DDS::Topic


Specifies RTI Connext will attempt to deliver all samples in its history. Missed samples may be retried.

In steady-state (no modifications communicated via the DDS::DataWriter), RTI Connext guarantees that all samples in the DDS::DataWriter history will eventually be delivered to all the DDS::DataReader objects (subject to timeouts that indicate loss of communication with a particular DDS::Subscriber).

Outside steady state, the HISTORY and RESOURCE_LIMITS policies will determine how samples become part of the history and whether samples can be discarded from it.

[default] for DDS::DataWriter

◆ ReliabilityQosPolicyAcknowledgmentModeKind

<<extension>> Kinds of acknowledgment.


Samples are acknowledged by RTPS protocol.

Samples are acknowledged according to the Real-Time Publish-Subscribe (RTPS) interoperability protocol.


Samples are acknowledged automatically after a subscribing application has accessed them.

A sample received by a DDS::TypedDataReader is acknowledged after the subscribing application accesses it, either through calling DDS::TypedDataReader::take or DDS::TypedDataReader::read on the DDS sample. If the read or take operation loans the samples, the acknowledgment is done after DDS::TypedDataReader::return_loan is called. Otherwise, for read or take operations that make a copy, acknowledgment is done after the read or take operations are executed.


Samples are acknowledged after the subscribing application explicitly calls acknowledge on the samples.

Samples received by a DDS::DataReader are explicitly acknowledged by the subscribing application, after it calls either DDS::DataReader::acknowledge_all or DDS::DataReader::acknowledge_sample.

Function Documentation

◆ get_reliability_qos_policy_name()

static System::String ^ DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicy::get_reliability_qos_policy_name ( )

Stringified human-readable name for DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicy.