
Package: DDS.Builtin_KeyedOctets_TypeSupport


package DDS.Builtin_KeyedOctets_TypeSupport is

Summary: <<interface>> DDS_KeyedOctets type support.




type Ref is new Standard.DDS.TypeSupport.Ref with null record;


Primitive operations:




type Ref_Access is access all Ref'Class;

Subprograms & Entries


function Create_TypedDataReaderI 
(Self: access Ref) return Standard.DDS.DataReader.Ref_Access;


procedure Destroy_TypedDataReaderI 
(Self: access Ref;
Reader: in out Standard.DDS.DataReader.Ref_Access);


function Create_TypedDataWriterI 
(Self: access Ref) return Standard.DDS.DataWriter.Ref_Access;


procedure Destroy_TypedDataWriterI 
(Self: access Ref;
Writer: in out Standard.DDS.DataWriter.Ref_Access) is null;


procedure Register_Type 
(Participant: not null access Standard.DDS.DomainParticipant.Ref'Class;
Type_Name: in Standard.DDS.String);

Summary: Allows an application to communicate to RTI Connext the existence of the DDS_KeyedOctets data type.

By default, The DDS_KeyedOctets built-in type is automatically registered when a DomainParticipant is created using the type_name returned by DDSKeyedOctetsTypeSupport.get_type_name. Therefore, the usage of this function is optional and it is only required when the automatic built-in type registration is disabled using the participant property "dds.builtin_type.auto_register".

This procedure can also be used to register the same DDSKeyedOctetsTypeSupport with a DDS.DomainParticipant using different values for the type_name.

If register_type is called multiple times with the same DDS.DomainParticipant and type_name, the second (and subsequent) registrations are ignored by the operation.

participant: <<in>> the DDS.DomainParticipant to register the data type DDS_Octets with. Cannot be ull_value.

type_name: <<in>> the type name under with the data type DDS_KeyedOctets is registered with the participant; this type name is used when creating a new DDS.Topic. (See DDS.DomainParticipant.create_topic.) The name may not be ull_value or longer than 255 characters.

Raises: One of the DDSReturnTypesModules_std_retcodes, DDS.RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET or DDS.RETCODE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES.

MT Safety:
UNSAFE on the FIRST call. It is not safe for two threads to simultaneously make the first call to register a type. Subsequent calls are thread safe.

See also: DDS.DomainParticipant.create_topic


procedure Unregister_Type 
(Participant: not null access Standard.DDS.DomainParticipant.Ref'Class;
Type_Name: in Standard.DDS.String);

Summary: Allows an application to unregister the DDS_KeyedOctets data type from dds. After calling unregister_type, no further communication using this type is possible.

Precondition: The DDS_KeyedOctets type with type_name is registered with the participant and all DDS.Topic objects referencing the type have been destroyed. If the type is not registered with the participant, or if any DDS.Topic is associated with the type, the operation will fail with DDS.RETCODE_ERROR.

Postcondition: All information about the type is removed from dds. No further communication using this type is possible.

participant: <<in>> the DDS.DomainParticipant to unregister the data type DDS_KeyedOctets from. Cannot be ull_value.

type_name: <<in>> the type name under with the data type DDS_KeyedOctets is registered with the participant. The name should match a name that has been previously used to register a type with the participant. Cannot be ull_value.

Raises: One of the DDSReturnTypesModules_std_retcodes, DDS.RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER or DDS.RETCODE_ERROR

MT Safety:

See also: DDSKeyedOctetsTypeSupport.register_type


function Get_Type_Name return Standard.DDS.String;

Summary: Get the default name for the DDS_KeyedOctets type.

Can be used for calling DDSKeyedOctetsTypeSupport.register_type or creating DDS.Topic.

Returns: default name for the DDS_KeyedOctets type.

See also: DDSKeyedOctetsTypeSupport.register_type
See also: DDS.DomainParticipant.create_topic


procedure Print_Data 
(A_Data: access DDS.KeyedOctets);

Summary: <<ext>> Print value of data type to standard out.

The generated implementation of the operation knows how to print value of a data type.

a_data: <<in>> DDS_KeyedOctets to be printed.


function Create_Data_W_Size 
(Key_Size: Integer;
Size: Integer) return DDS.KeyedOctets;


procedure Initialize_Data_W_Size 
(A_Data: access DDS.KeyedOctets;
Key_Size: Integer;
Size: Integer);


function From_KeyedOctets_To_Octet_Array 
(Octets: DDS.KeyedOctets) return DDS.Octet_Array;


function Get_Octet 
(Octets: DDS.KeyedOctets;
Index: Integer) return Interfaces.Unsigned_8;


procedure Get_Type_Name 
(Name: out Standard.DDS.String);