
Package: DDS.ReadCondition


package DDS.ReadCondition is

Summary: <<interface>> Conditions specifically dedicated to read operations and attached to one DDS.DataReader.

DDS.ReadCondition objects allow an application to specify the data samples it is interested in (by specifying the desired sample_states, view_states as well as instance_states in and FooDataReader.take variants.

This allows RTI Connext to enable the condition only when suitable information is available. They are to be used in conjunction with a WaitSet as normal conditions.

More than one DDS.ReadCondition may be attached to the same DDS.DataReader.


Ref (abstract)

type Ref is limited interface and DDS.Condition.Ref;


type Ref_Access is access all Ref'Class;

Subprograms & Entries


function Get_Sample_State_Mask 
(Self: not null access Ref) return DDS.SampleStateMask is abstract;

Summary: Retrieves the set of sample_states for the condition.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL


function Get_View_State_Mask 
(Self: not null access Ref) return DDS.ViewStateMask is abstract;

Summary: Retrieves the set of view_states for the condition.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL


function Get_Instance_State_Mask 
(Self: not null access Ref) return DDS.InstanceStateMask is abstract;

Summary: Retrieves the set of instance_states for the condition.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL


function Get_DataReader 
(Self: not null access Ref) return access DDS.DataReader.Ref'Class is abstract;

Summary: Returns the DDS.DataReader associated with the DDS.ReadCondition.

There is exactly one DDS.DataReader assicated with each DDS.ReadCondition.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

Returns: DDS.DataReader associated with the DDS.ReadCondition.