
Package: DDS.TopicDescription


package DDS.TopicDescription is

Summary: <<interface>> Base class for DDS.Topic, DDS.ContentFilteredTopic, and DDS.MultiTopic.

DDS.TopicDescription represents the fact that both publications and subscriptions are tied to a single data-type. Its attribute type_name defines a unique resulting type for the publication or the subscription and therefore creates an implicit association with a DDS.TypeSupport.

DDS.TopicDescription has also a name that allows it to be retrieved locally.

See also: DDS.TypeSupport, FooTypeSupport


Ref (abstract)

type Ref is limited interface;


type Ref_Access is access all Ref'Class;

Subprograms & Entries

Get_Type_Name (abstract)

function Get_Type_Name 
(Self: not null access Ref) return DDS.String is abstract;

Summary: Get the associated type_name.

The type name defines a locally unique type for the publication or the subscription.

The type_name corresponds to a unique string used to register a type via the FooTypeSupport.register_type procedure.

Thus, the type_name implies an association with a corresponding DDS.TypeSupport and this DDS.TopicDescription.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

Returns: the type name. The returned type name is valid until the DDS.TopicDescription is deleted.

Postcondition: The result is non-NULL.

See also: DDS.TypeSupport, FooTypeSupport

Get_Name (abstract)

function Get_Name 
(Self: not null access Ref) return DDS.String is abstract;

Summary: Get the name used to create this DDS.TopicDescription .

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

Returns: the name used to create this DDS.TopicDescription. The returned topic name is valid until the DDS.TopicDescription is deleted.

Postcondition: The result is non-NULL.

Get_Participant (abstract)

function Get_Participant 
(Self: not null access Ref) return access DDS.DomainParticipant.Ref'Class is abstract;

Summary: Get the DDS.DomainParticipant to which the DDS.TopicDescription belongs.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

Returns: The DDS.DomainParticipant to which the DDS.TopicDescription belongs.

Postcondition: The result is non-NULL.