Inherits bitset< OMG_DDS_STATE_BIT_COUNT >.
static const SampleLostState | not_lost () |
| The sample was not lost. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_writer () |
| A dds::pub::DataWriter removed the sample before being received by the dds::sub::DataReader. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_instances_limit () |
| A resource limit on the number of instances (dds::core::policy::ResourceLimits::max_instances) was reached. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_remote_writers_per_instance_limit () |
| A resource limit on the number of remote writers for a single instance from which a dds::sub::DataReader may read (rti::core::policy::DataReaderResourceLimits::max_remote_writers_per_instance) was reached. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_incomplete_coherent_set () |
| A sample is lost because it is part of an incomplete coherent set. An incomplete coherent set is a coherent set for which some of the samples are missing. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_large_coherent_set () |
| A sample is lost because it is part of a large coherent set. A large coherent set is a coherent set that cannot fit all at once into the dds::sub::DataReader queue because resource limits are exceeded. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_samples_per_remote_writer_limit () |
| When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::BEST_EFFORT: a resource limit on the number of samples from a given remote writer that a dds::sub::DataReader may store (rti::core::policy::DataReaderResourceLimits::max_samples_per_remote_writer) was reached. When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::RELIABLE, reaching rti::core::policy::DataReaderResourceLimits::max_samples_per_remote_writer will trigger a rejection, not a loss, with reason dds::core::status::SampleRejectedState::rejected_by_samples_per_remote_writer_limit(). More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_virtual_writers_limit () |
| A resource limit on the number of virtual writers from which a dds::sub::DataReader may read (rti::core::policy::DataReaderResourceLimits::max_remote_virtual_writers) was reached. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_remote_writers_per_sample_limit () |
| A resource limit on the number of remote writers per sample (rti::core::policy::DataReaderResourceLimits::max_remote_writers_per_sample) was reached. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_availability_waiting_time () |
| rti::core::policy::Availability::max_data_availability_waiting_time expired. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_remote_writers_per_virtual_queue_limit () |
| A resource limit on the number of samples published by a remote writer on behalf of a virtual writer that a dds::sub::DataReader may store was reached. (This field is currently not used.) More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_out_of_memory () |
| A sample was lost because there was not enough memory to store the sample. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_unknown_instance () |
| A received sample was lost because it doesn't contain enough information for the reader to know what instance it is associated with. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_deserialization_failure () |
| A received sample was lost because it could not be deserialized. More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_decode_failure () |
| When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::BEST_EFFORT: A received sample was lost because it could not be decoded. When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::RELIABLE, the sample will be rejected, not lost, with reason dds::core::status::SampleRejectedState::rejected_by_decode_failure(). More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_samples_per_instance_limit () |
| When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::BEST_EFFORT: A resource limit on the number of samples per instance (dds::core::policy::ResourceLimits::max_samples_per_instance) was reached. When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::RELIABLE, reaching dds::core::policy::ResourceLimits::max_samples_per_instance will trigger a rejection, not a loss, with reason dds::core::status::SampleRejectedState::rejected_by_samples_per_instance_limit(). More...
static const SampleLostState | lost_by_samples_limit () |
| When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::BEST_EFFORT: A resource limit on the number of samples (dds::core::policy::ResourceLimits::max_samples) was reached. When using dds::core::policy::ReliabilityKind_def::RELIABLE, reaching dds::core::policy::ResourceLimits::max_samples will trigger a rejection, not a loss, with reason dds::core::status::SampleRejectedState::rejected_by_samples_limit(). More...
static const SampleLostState rti::core::status::SampleLostState::lost_by_incomplete_coherent_set |
( |
| ) |
inlinestatic |
A sample is lost because it is part of an incomplete coherent set. An incomplete coherent set is a coherent set for which some of the samples are missing.
For example, consider a dds::pub::DataWriter using dds::core::policy::HistoryKind::KEEP_LAST with a depth of 1. The DataWriter publishes two samples of the same instance as part of a coherent set 'CS1'; the first sample of 'CS1' is replaced by a new sample before it can be successfully delivered to the dds::sub::DataReader. In this case, the coherent set containing the two samples is considered incomplete. The new sample, by default, will not be provided to the application, and will be reported as LOST_BY_INCOMPLETE_COHERENT_SET. (You can change this default behavior by setting dds::core::policy::Presentation::drop_incomplete_coherent_set to FALSE. If you do, the new sample will be provided to the application, but it will be marked as part of an incomplete coherent set in the dds::sub::SampleInfo structure.)