RTI Connext C# API  7.0.0
DataWriterProtocolStatus Class Reference

The status of a writer's internal protocol related metrics, like the number of samples pushed and pulled; and status of wire protocol traffic. More...

Inherits IEquatable< DataWriterProtocolStatus >.

Public Member Functions

override int GetHashCode ()
 Gets the hash code More...
override bool Equals (object other)
 Compares for equality More...
bool Equals (DataWriterProtocolStatus other)
 Compares for equality More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns a readable summary of the status More...


EventCount< long > PushedSampleCount [get]
 The number of user samples pushed on write from a local DataWriter to a matching remote DataReader. More...
EventCount< long > PushedSampleBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of user samples pushed on write from a local DataWriter to a matching remote DataReader. More...
EventCount< long > SentHeartbeatCount [get]
 The number of Heartbeats sent between a local DataWriter and matching remote DataReader. More...
EventCount< long > SentHeartbeatBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of Heartbeats sent between a local DataWriter and matching remote DataReader. More...
EventCount< long > PulledSampleCount [get]
 The number of user samples pulled from local DataWriter by matching DataReaders. More...
EventCount< long > PulledSampleBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of user samples pulled from local DataWriter by matching DataReaders. More...
EventCount< long > ReceivedAckCount [get]
 The number of ACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter. More...
EventCount< long > ReceivedAckBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of ACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter. More...
EventCount< long > ReceivedNackCount [get]
 The number of NACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter. More...
EventCount< long > ReceivedNackBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of NACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter. More...
EventCount< long > SentGapCount [get]
 The number of GAPs sent from local DataWriter to matching remote DataReaders. More...
EventCount< long > SentGapBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of GAPs sent from local DataWriter to matching remote DataReaders. More...
EventCount< long > RejectedSampleCount [get]
 Not supported More...
int SendWindowSize [get]
 Current maximum number of outstanding samples allowed in the DataWriter's queue. More...
long FirstAvailableSampleSequenceNumber [get]
 The sequence number of the first available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter. More...
long LastAvailableSampleSequenceNumber [get]
 The sequence number of the last available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter. More...
long FirstUnacknowledgedSampleSequenceNumber [get]
 The sequence number of the first unacknowledged sample currently queued in the local DataWriter. More...
long FirstAvailableSampleVirtualSequenceNumber [get]
 The virtual sequence number of the first available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter. More...
long LastAvailableSampleVirtualSequenceNumber [get]
 The virtual sequence number of the last available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter. More...
long FirstUnacknowledgedSampleVirtualSequenceNumber [get]
 The virtual sequence number of the first unacknowledged sample currently queued in the local DataWriter. More...
InstanceHandle FirstUnacknowledgedSampleSubscriptionHandle [get]
 The handle of a remote DataReader that has not acknowledged the first unacknowledged sample of the local DataWriter. More...
long FirstUnelapsedKeepDurationSampleSequenceNumber [get]
 The sequence number of the first sample whose keep duration has not yet elapsed. More...
long PushedFragmentCount [get]
 The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pushed by this DataWriter. More...
long PushedFragmentBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pushed by this DataWriter. More...
long PulledFragmentCount [get]
 The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pulled from this DataWriter. More...
long PulledFragmentBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pulled from this DataWriter. More...
long ReceivedNackFragmentCount [get]
 The number of NACK_FRAG messages that have been received by this DataWriter. More...
long ReceivedNackFragmentBytes [get]
 The number of bytes of NACK_FRAG messages that have been received by this DataWriter. More...

Detailed Description

The status of a writer's internal protocol related metrics, like the number of samples pushed and pulled; and status of wire protocol traffic.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus

Member Function Documentation

◆ Equals() [1/2]

bool Equals ( DataWriterProtocolStatus  other)

Compares for equality

◆ Equals() [2/2]

override bool Equals ( object  other)

Compares for equality

◆ GetHashCode()

override int GetHashCode ( )

Gets the hash code

◆ ToString()

override string ToString ( )

Returns a readable summary of the status

Property Documentation

◆ FirstAvailableSampleSequenceNumber

long FirstAvailableSampleSequenceNumber

The sequence number of the first available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::first_available_sample_sequence_number

◆ FirstAvailableSampleVirtualSequenceNumber

long FirstAvailableSampleVirtualSequenceNumber

The virtual sequence number of the first available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::first_available_sample_virtual_sequence_number

◆ FirstUnacknowledgedSampleSequenceNumber

long FirstUnacknowledgedSampleSequenceNumber

The sequence number of the first unacknowledged sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::first_unacknowledged_sample_sequence_number

◆ FirstUnacknowledgedSampleSubscriptionHandle

InstanceHandle FirstUnacknowledgedSampleSubscriptionHandle

The handle of a remote DataReader that has not acknowledged the first unacknowledged sample of the local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::first_unacknowledged_sample_subscription_handle

◆ FirstUnacknowledgedSampleVirtualSequenceNumber

long FirstUnacknowledgedSampleVirtualSequenceNumber

The virtual sequence number of the first unacknowledged sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::first_unacknowledged_sample_virtual_sequence_number

◆ FirstUnelapsedKeepDurationSampleSequenceNumber

long FirstUnelapsedKeepDurationSampleSequenceNumber

The sequence number of the first sample whose keep duration has not yet elapsed.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::first_unelapsed_keep_duration_sample_sequence_number

◆ LastAvailableSampleSequenceNumber

long LastAvailableSampleSequenceNumber

The sequence number of the last available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::last_available_sample_sequence_number

◆ LastAvailableSampleVirtualSequenceNumber

long LastAvailableSampleVirtualSequenceNumber

The virtual sequence number of the last available sample currently queued in the local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::last_available_sample_virtual_sequence_number

◆ PulledFragmentBytes

long PulledFragmentBytes

The number of bytes of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pulled from this DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pulled_fragment_bytes

◆ PulledFragmentCount

long PulledFragmentCount

The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pulled from this DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pulled_fragment_count

◆ PulledSampleBytes

EventCount<long> PulledSampleBytes

The number of bytes of user samples pulled from local DataWriter by matching DataReaders.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pulled_sample_bytes

◆ PulledSampleCount

EventCount<long> PulledSampleCount

The number of user samples pulled from local DataWriter by matching DataReaders.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pulled_sample_count

◆ PushedFragmentBytes

long PushedFragmentBytes

The number of bytes of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pushed by this DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pushed_fragment_bytes

◆ PushedFragmentCount

long PushedFragmentCount

The number of DATA_FRAG messages that have been pushed by this DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pushed_fragment_count

◆ PushedSampleBytes

EventCount<long> PushedSampleBytes

The number of bytes of user samples pushed on write from a local DataWriter to a matching remote DataReader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pushed_sample_bytes

◆ PushedSampleCount

EventCount<long> PushedSampleCount

The number of user samples pushed on write from a local DataWriter to a matching remote DataReader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::pushed_sample_count

◆ ReceivedAckBytes

EventCount<long> ReceivedAckBytes

The number of bytes of ACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::received_ack_bytes

◆ ReceivedAckCount

EventCount<long> ReceivedAckCount

The number of ACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::received_ack_count

◆ ReceivedNackBytes

EventCount<long> ReceivedNackBytes

The number of bytes of NACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::received_nack_bytes

◆ ReceivedNackCount

EventCount<long> ReceivedNackCount

The number of NACKs from a remote DataReader received by a local DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::received_nack_count

◆ ReceivedNackFragmentBytes

long ReceivedNackFragmentBytes

The number of bytes of NACK_FRAG messages that have been received by this DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::received_nack_fragment_bytes

◆ ReceivedNackFragmentCount

long ReceivedNackFragmentCount

The number of NACK_FRAG messages that have been received by this DataWriter.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::received_nack_fragment_count

◆ RejectedSampleCount

EventCount<long> RejectedSampleCount

Not supported

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::rejected_sample_count

◆ SendWindowSize

int SendWindowSize

Current maximum number of outstanding samples allowed in the DataWriter's queue.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::send_window_size

◆ SentGapBytes

EventCount<long> SentGapBytes

The number of bytes of GAPs sent from local DataWriter to matching remote DataReaders.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::sent_gap_bytes

◆ SentGapCount

EventCount<long> SentGapCount

The number of GAPs sent from local DataWriter to matching remote DataReaders.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::sent_gap_count

◆ SentHeartbeatBytes

EventCount<long> SentHeartbeatBytes

The number of bytes of Heartbeats sent between a local DataWriter and matching remote DataReader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::sent_heartbeat_bytes

◆ SentHeartbeatCount

EventCount<long> SentHeartbeatCount

The number of Heartbeats sent between a local DataWriter and matching remote DataReader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataWriterProtocolStatus::sent_heartbeat_count