RTI Connext C# API  7.0.0
XML application examples

How to define DDS applications in XML.

How to define DDS applications in XML.


Example XML definition

The following is the configuration (ddsApplication.xml) that we will be using in the examples in this section:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dds xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<struct name="Shape">
<member name="color" stringMaxLength="128" type="string" key="true"/>
<member name="x" type="int32"/>
<member name="y" type="int32"/>
<member name="shapesize" type="int32"/>
<domain_library name="ExampleDomainLibrary">
<domain name="ExampleDomain" domain_id="0">
<!-- Register the type Shape and use its definition above -->
<register_type name="Shape" type_ref="Shape"/>
<!-- Register the type MyType but do not provide an XML definition. -->
<!-- The application will use a C# type -->
<register_type name="MyType"/>
<topic name="Square" register_type_ref="Shape"/>
<topic name="MyTypeTopic" register_type_ref="MyType"/>
<domain_participant_library name="ExampleParticipantLibrary">
<domain_participant name="ExamplePublicationParticipant"
<publisher name="ExamplePublisher">
<data_writer name="ShapeWriter" topic_ref="Square"/>
<domain_participant name="ExampleSubscriptionParticipant"
<data_reader name="ShapeReader" topic_ref="Square">
<content_filter name="ExampleTopic" kind="builtin.sql">
<domain_participant name="ExampleIdlParticipant"
<publisher name="ExamplePublisher">
<data_writer name="MyTypeWriter" topic_ref="MyTypeTopic"/>

Creating and looking up the DDS entities

Example: Create the participants defined in the XML file

var provider = new Rti.Dds.Core.QosProvider("ddsApplication.xml");
// Create the participants identified by the name we used in their
// XML definition. This operation also creates all the contained
// entities (topics, publishers, subscribers, readers, writers)
using var pubParticipant = provider.CreateParticipantFromConfig(
using var subParticipant = provider.CreateParticipantFromConfig(
Provides access to XML-defined QoS profiles, data types, and complete DDS systems.
Definition: QosProvider.cs:151
DomainParticipant CreateParticipantFromConfig(string configName)
Creates a DomainParticipant given its configuration name from a description provided in an XML config...
Contains infrastructure types.
Definition: AsyncWaitSetProperty.cs:18
Contains the RTI Connext DDS C# API.
Definition: AsyncWaitSetProperty.cs:18
Contains the RTI Connext C# API.
Definition: Logger.cs:20

Example: lookup the DataWriter and publish data

// Look up the writer using the name we used in its XML definition
// The type of ShapeWriter is DynamicData, because ShapeType is
// defined in the XML <types> tag and therefore created at runtime.
var writer = pubParticipant.LookupDataWriter<DynamicData>(
DynamicData data = writer.CreateData();
data.SetValue("color", "RED");
data.SetValue("shapesize", 70);
data.SetValue("x", 10);
data.SetValue("y", -10);

Example: lookup the DataReader and receive data

var reader = subParticipant.LookupDataReader<DynamicData>("ShapeReader");
reader.DataAvailable += _ =>
using var samples = reader.Take();
foreach (var sample in samples.ValidData())
// ...

Using IDL-based types

The previous examples used DynamicData, but it is also possible to use strongly typed C# classes generated from IDL even if the readers and writers are defined in XML.

Example: Register an IDL type used by a writer or reader defined in XML

// Register specific types (a)
// The 'name' argument must correspond to the name used in
// <register_type name="MyType"/>
name: "MyType");
// Or register a namespace within an assembly (b)
// Whenever a type is referenced in the XML file, the QosProvider will
// now look for its definition among those that have been explicitly
// registered (a) or belong in a registered namespace (b)
var provider = new QosProvider("ddsApplication.xml");
using var participant = provider.CreateParticipantFromConfig(
// Now we can look up a reader or a writer that uses Example.MyType
// instead of DynamicData
DataWriter<Example.MyType> writer =
var sample = new Example.MyType { /* ... */ };
Example C# class generated from the IDL struct MyType
Definition: MyType.cs:135
Definition: MyType.cs:17