RTI Connext Java API  Version 7.0.0
DynamicDataReader Class Reference

Reads (subscribes to) objects of type com.rti.dds.dynamicdata.DynamicData. More...

Inheritance diagram for DynamicDataReader:
DataReader DomainEntity Entity

Public Member Functions

void read (DynamicDataSeq received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Access a collection of data samples from the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DataReader
ReadCondition create_readcondition (int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Creates a com.rti.dds.subscription.ReadCondition. More...
ReadCondition create_readcondition_w_params (ReadConditionParams params)
 <<extension>> Creates a com.rti.dds.subscription.ReadCondition with parameters. More...
QueryCondition create_querycondition (int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states, String query_expression, StringSeq query_parameters)
 Creates a com.rti.dds.subscription.QueryCondition. More...
QueryCondition create_querycondition_w_params (QueryConditionParams params)
 <<extension>> Creates a com.rti.dds.subscription.QueryCondition with parameters. More...
void delete_readcondition (ReadCondition condition)
 Deletes a com.rti.dds.subscription.ReadCondition or com.rti.dds.subscription.QueryCondition attached to the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader. More...
void set_qos (DataReaderQos qos)
 Sets the reader QoS. More...
void set_qos_with_profile (String library_name, String profile_name)
 <<extension>> Changes the QoS of this reader using the input XML QoS profile. More...
void get_qos (DataReaderQos qos)
 Gets the reader QoS. More...
void set_listener (DataReaderListener l, int mask)
 Sets the reader listener. More...
DataReaderListener get_listener ()
 Gets the reader listener. More...
void call_listenerT (int mask)
 Calls the reader listener. More...
void get_sample_rejected_status (SampleRejectedStatus status)
 Accesses the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.StatusKind.StatusKind.SAMPLE_REJECTED_STATUS communication status. More...
void get_liveliness_changed_status (LivelinessChangedStatus status)
 Accesses the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.StatusKind.StatusKind.LIVELINESS_CHANGED_STATUS communication status. More...
void get_requested_deadline_missed_status (RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus status)
 Accesses the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.StatusKind.StatusKind.REQUESTED_DEADLINE_MISSED_STATUS communication status. More...
void get_requested_incompatible_qos_status (RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus status)
 Accesses the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.StatusKind.StatusKind.REQUESTED_INCOMPATIBLE_QOS_STATUS communication status. More...
void get_sample_lost_status (SampleLostStatus status)
 Accesses the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.StatusKind.StatusKind.SAMPLE_LOST_STATUS_STATUS communication status. More...
void get_subscription_matched_status (SubscriptionMatchedStatus status)
 Accesses the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.StatusKind.StatusKind.SUBSCRIPTION_MATCHED_STATUS communication status. More...
void get_datareader_cache_status (DataReaderCacheStatus status)
 <<extension>> Gets the datareader cache status for this reader. More...
void get_datareader_protocol_status (DataReaderProtocolStatus status)
 <<extension>> Gets the datareader protocol status for this reader. More...
void get_matched_publication_datareader_protocol_status (DataReaderProtocolStatus status, InstanceHandle_t publication_handle)
 <<extension>> Gets the datareader protocol status for this reader, per matched publication identified by the publication_handle. More...
void get_matched_publications (InstanceHandleSeq publication_handles)
 Retrieves the list of publications currently "associated" with this com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader. More...
void get_matched_publication_data (PublicationBuiltinTopicData publication_data, InstanceHandle_t publication_handle)
 Retrieves the information on a publication that is currently "associated" with the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader. More...
boolean is_matched_publication_alive (InstanceHandle_t publication_handle)
 Check if a publication currently matched with a DataReader is alive. More...
void get_matched_publication_participant_data (ParticipantBuiltinTopicData participant_data, InstanceHandle_t publication_handle)
 <<extension>> Retrieves the information on the discovered com.rti.dds.domain.DomainParticipant associated with the publication that is currently matching with the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader. More...
TopicDescription get_topicdescription ()
 Returns the com.rti.dds.topic.TopicDescription associated with the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader. More...
Subscriber get_subscriber ()
 Returns the com.rti.dds.subscription.Subscriber to which the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader belongs. More...
void delete_contained_entities ()
 Deletes all the entities that were created by means of the "create" operations on the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader. More...
void wait_for_historical_data (Duration_t max_wait)
 Waits until all "historical" data is received for com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader entities that have a non-VOLATILE Durability Qos kind. More...
void acknowledge_sample (SampleInfo sample_info)
 <<extension>> Acknowledges a single sample explicitly. More...
void acknowledge_all ()
 <<extension>> Acknowledges all previously accessed samples. More...
void acknowledge_sample (SampleInfo sample_info, AckResponseData_t response_data)
 <<extension>> Acknowledges a single sample explicitly. More...
void acknowledge_all (AckResponseData_t response_data)
 <<extension>> Acknowledges all previously accessed samples. More...
TopicQuery create_topic_query (TopicQuerySelection selection)
 Creates a com.rti.dds.subscription.TopicQuery. More...
void delete_topic_query (TopicQuery query)
 Deletes a com.rti.dds.subscription.TopicQuery. More...
TopicQuery lookup_topic_query (GUID_t guid)
 Retrieves an existing com.rti.dds.subscription.TopicQuery. More...
void read_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void read_w_condition_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, ReadCondition read_condition)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_w_condition_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, ReadCondition read_condition)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void read_next_sample_untyped (Object received_data, SampleInfo sample_info)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_next_sample_untyped (Object received_data, SampleInfo sample_info)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void read_instance_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_instance_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void read_instance_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, GUID_t topic_query_guid, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_instance_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, GUID_t topic_query_guid, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void read_instance_w_condition_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, ReadCondition read_condition)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_instance_w_condition_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, ReadCondition read_condition)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void read_next_instance_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_next_instance_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, int sample_states, int view_states, int instance_states)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void read_next_instance_w_condition_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, ReadCondition read_condition)
 Reads data samples, if any are available. More...
void take_next_instance_w_condition_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq, int max_samples, InstanceHandle_t a_handle, ReadCondition read_condition)
 Takes data samples, if any are available. More...
void return_loan_untyped (List<?> received_data, SampleInfoSeq info_seq)
 Returns loaned sample data and meta-data. More...
void get_key_value_untyped (Object key_holder, InstanceHandle_t handle)
 Fills in the key fields of the given data sample. More...
InstanceHandle_t lookup_instance_untyped (Object key_value)
void take_discovery_snapshot ()
 Take a snapshot of the compatible and incompatible remote writers matched by a local reader. More...
void take_discovery_snapshot (String file_name)
 Take a snapshot of the compatible and incompatible remote writers matched by a local reader. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Entity
void enable ()
 Enables the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.Entity. More...
StatusCondition get_statuscondition ()
 Allows access to the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.StatusCondition associated with the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.Entity. More...
int get_status_changes ()
 Retrieves the list of communication statuses in the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.Entity that are triggered. More...
InstanceHandle_t get_instance_handle ()
 Allows access to the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.InstanceHandle_t associated with the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.Entity. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from DataReader
 Special value for creating a com.rti.dds.subscription.TopicQuery that applies the same filter as the DataReader's com.rti.dds.topic.ContentFilteredTopic. More...
static final TopicQuerySelection TOPIC_QUERY_SELECTION_SELECT_ALL
 Special value for creating a com.rti.dds.subscription.TopicQuery that selects all the samples in a com.rti.dds.publication.DataWriter cache. More...

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

◆ read()

void read ( DynamicDataSeq  received_data,
SampleInfoSeq  info_seq,
int  max_samples,
int  sample_states,
int  view_states,
int  instance_states 

Access a collection of data samples from the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader.

This operation offers the same functionality and API as com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.take except that the samples returned remain in the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader such that they can be retrieved again by means of a read or take operation.

Please refer to the documentation of com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.take() for details on the number of samples returned within the received_data and info_seq as well as the order in which the samples appear in these sequences.

The act of reading a sample changes its sample_state to com.rti.dds.subscription.SampleStateKind.SampleStateKind.READ_SAMPLE_STATE. If the sample belongs to the most recent generation of the instance, it will also set the view_state of the instance to be com.rti.dds.subscription.ViewStateKind.ViewStateKind.NOT_NEW_VIEW_STATE. It will not affect the instance_state of the instance.

Once the application completes its use of the samples, it must 'return the loan' to the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader by calling the com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.return_loan operation.

Important: When you loan data from the middleware, you must not keep any pointers to any part of the data samples or the com.rti.dds.subscription.SampleInfo objects after the call to com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.return_loan. Returning the loan places the objects back into a pool, allowing the middleware to overwrite them with new data.

Note: While you must call com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.return_loan at some point, you do not have to do so before the next com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.take call. However, failure to return the loan will eventually deplete the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader of the buffers it needs to receive new samples and eventually samples will start to be lost. The total number of buffers available to the com.rti.dds.subscription.DataReader is specified by the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.ResourceLimitsQosPolicy and the com.rti.dds.infrastructure.DataReaderResourceLimitsQosPolicy.

Important: If the samples "returned" by this method are loaned from RTI Connext (see com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.take for more information on memory loaning), it is important that their contents not be changed. Because the memory in which the data is stored belongs to the middleware, any modifications made to the data will be seen the next time the same samples are read or taken; the samples will no longer reflect the state that was received from the network.

received_data<<inout>> User data type-specific com.rti.dds.infrastructure.com.rti.dds.util.Sequence object where the received data samples will be returned. Must be a valid non-NULL FooSeq. The method will fail with com.rti.dds.infrastructure.RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER if it is NULL.
info_seq<<inout>> A com.rti.dds.subscription.SampleInfoSeq object where the received sample info will be returned. Must be a valid non-NULL com.rti.dds.subscription.SampleInfoSeq. The method will fail with com.rti.dds.infrastructure.RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER if it is NULL.
max_samples<<in>> The maximum number of samples to be returned. If the special value com.rti.dds.infrastructure.ResourceLimitsQosPolicy.LENGTH_UNLIMITED is provided, as many samples will be returned as are available, up to the limits described in the documentation for com.rti.ndds.example.FooDataReader.take().
sample_states<<in>> Data samples matching one of these sample_states are returned. See the valid values for this parameter here: com.rti.dds.subscription.SampleStateKind.
view_states<<in>> Data samples matching one of these view_state are returned. See the valid values for this parameter here: com.rti.dds.subscription.ViewStateKind.
instance_states<<in>> Data samples matching ones of these instance_state are returned. See the valid values for this parameter here: com.rti.dds.subscription.InstanceStateKind.
Oneof the Standard Return Codes, com.rti.dds.infrastructure.RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET, com.rti.dds.infrastructure.RETCODE_NO_DATA or com.rti.dds.infrastructure.RETCODE_NOT_ENABLED.
See also

References DynamicData.delete(), DataReader.get_key_value_untyped(), DataReader.get_subscriber(), DataReader.get_topicdescription(), TopicDescription.get_type_name(), DataReader.lookup_instance_untyped(), DataReader.read_instance_untyped(), DataReader.read_instance_w_condition_untyped(), DataReader.read_next_instance_untyped(), DataReader.read_next_instance_w_condition_untyped(), DataReader.read_next_sample_untyped(), DataReader.read_untyped(), DataReader.read_w_condition_untyped(), DataReader.return_loan_untyped(), DataReader.take_instance_untyped(), DataReader.take_instance_w_condition_untyped(), DataReader.take_next_instance_untyped(), DataReader.take_next_instance_w_condition_untyped(), DataReader.take_next_sample_untyped(), DataReader.take_untyped(), and DataReader.take_w_condition_untyped().