RTI Connext C# API  7.1.0
Release Notes


See the RTI® Connext® Core Libraries What's New and Core Libraries Release Notes at https://community.rti.com/documentation.

Supported Platforms

The Connext DDS C# API is supported on .NET Standard 2.0 systems, including .NET 5 (and newer), .NET Core 2.1, .NET Core 3.1, .NET Framework 4.6.1, Unity 2018.1.

It is supported on the same Windows®, Linux®, and macOS® platforms that are supported by the Core Libraries (except macOS 11 and 12 on Arm® v8). These platforms are listed in the Core Libraries Release Notes (Section 2).


See the Getting Started Guide to install the Connext DDS C# API and build and run your first application.

To work with Unity, see this tutorial.

Limitations in this Release

Limitations related to the Connext DDS API

Limitations related to the IDL-to-C# code generation

Other limitations

Legacy .NET API

The previous .NET API and IDL binding to C++/CLI was deprecated in 6.1.0 and has been removed in 7.1.0.

The 6.1.0 migration guide provides useful information for developers of the legacy .NET API.

Third-Party Software

.NET Core 3.1