RTI Connext C API Version 7.2.0
DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings Struct Reference

Configures the use of a dedicated DDS_DomainParticipant to distribute the RTI Connext application telemetry data. More...

Data Fields

DDS_Boolean enable
 Enables the use of a dedicated DDS_DomainParticipant to distribute the RTI Connext application telemetry data. More...
int domain_id
 The domain ID used in the creation of RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 DDS_DomainParticipant. More...
char * participant_qos_profile_name
 The fully qualified name of the profile used to configure the DDS_DomainParticipant that will be used to distribute telemetry data. More...
struct DDS_StringSeq collector_initial_peers
 Determines the initial list of peers that the discovery process will contact to send announcements about the presence of the DDS_MonitoringDistributionSettings::dedicated_participant. More...

Detailed Description

Configures the use of a dedicated DDS_DomainParticipant to distribute the RTI Connext application telemetry data.

Field Documentation

◆ enable

DDS_Boolean DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings::enable

Enables the use of a dedicated DDS_DomainParticipant to distribute the RTI Connext application telemetry data.

Setting this value to DDS_BOOLEAN_FALSE is not currently supported.


◆ domain_id

int DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings::domain_id

The domain ID used in the creation of RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 DDS_DomainParticipant.

[default] 2

◆ participant_qos_profile_name

char* DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings::participant_qos_profile_name

The fully qualified name of the profile used to configure the DDS_DomainParticipant that will be used to distribute telemetry data.

If NULL (the default value) then RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 uses DDS_PROFILE_GENERIC_MONITORING2.

[default] NULL

◆ collector_initial_peers

struct DDS_StringSeq DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings::collector_initial_peers

Determines the initial list of peers that the discovery process will contact to send announcements about the presence of the DDS_MonitoringDistributionSettings::dedicated_participant.

These initial peers should correspond with the RTI Observability Collector Service with which RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 has to communicate. The collector_initial_peers works the same as initial_peers for other DomainParticipants, except that it allows you to easily specify the initial peer(s) for the RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 DDS_DomainParticipant, which usually has different initial peer(s) than those used by your application.

If no collector_initial_peers are specified, or if it is explicitly set to an empty list, the DDS_DiscoveryQosPolicy::initial_peers list of DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings::participant_qos_profile_name will be used as the initial peers of DDS_MonitoringDistributionSettings::dedicated_participant.

[default] An empty sequence.

See also
DDS_DiscoveryQosPolicy::initial_peers for further information about initial peers.