RTI Connext Traditional C++ API Version 7.2.0
Participant Use Cases

Working with domain participants.

Working with domain participants.

Turning off auto-enable of newly created participant(s)

Getting the factory

Setting up a participant

DDS_DomainParticipantQos participant_qos;
DDSDomainParticipantListener* participant_listener = NULL;
// Set the initial peers. This list includes all the computers the
// application may communicate with, along with the maximum number of
// RTI Data Distribution Service participants that can concurrently
// run on that computer. This list only needs to be a superset of the
// actual list of computers and participants that will be running at
// any time.
"my://", /* all unicast addrs on transport plugins with alias "my" */
"2@shmem://", /* shared memory */
"sf://0/0/R", /* StarFabric transport plugin */
sizeof(NDDS_DISCOVERY_INITIAL_PEERS)/sizeof(const char*);
// initialize participant_qos with default values
retcode = factory->get_default_participant_qos(participant_qos);
if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
printf("***Error: failed to get default participant qos\n");
if (!participant_qos.discovery.initial_peers.from_array(
printf("***Error: failed to set discovery.initial_peers qos\n");
// Create the participant
DDSDomainParticipant* participant =
if (participant == NULL) {
printf("***Error: failed to create domain participant\n");
return participant;
virtual DDS_ReturnCode_t get_default_participant_qos(DDS_DomainParticipantQos &qos)=0
Initializes the DDS_DomainParticipantQos instance with default values.
virtual DDSDomainParticipant * create_participant(DDS_DomainId_t domainId, const DDS_DomainParticipantQos &qos, DDSDomainParticipantListener *listener, DDS_StatusMask mask)=0
Creates a new DDSDomainParticipant object.
<<interface>> Listener for participant status.
Definition: domain.ifcxx:155
<<interface>> Container for all DDSDomainEntity objects.
Definition: domain.ifcxx:191
RTICdrLong DDS_Long
Defines a long integer data type, equivalent to IDL/CDR long.
Definition: dds_c.1.0/interface/common.ifc:244
Type for return codes.
Definition: infrastructure.ifc:1351
No bits are set.
Definition: infrastructure.ifc:1425
struct DDS_StringSeq initial_peers
Determines the initial list of peers that will be contacted by the Discovery mechanism to send announ...
Definition: infrastructure.ifc:4311
QoS policies supported by a DDSDomainParticipant entity.
Definition: domain.ifc:1378
struct DDS_DiscoveryQosPolicy discovery
<<extension>> Discovery policy, DISCOVERY.
Definition: domain.ifc:1404

Tearing down a participant