RTI Connext C# API Version 7.2.0
Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig Class Reference

Controls how often to send discovery packets, how to determine when participants are alive or dead, and resources used by the discovery mechanism. More...

Inherits IEquatable< DiscoveryConfig >.

Public Member Functions

DiscoveryConfig With (Action< DiscoveryConfigBuilder > build)
 Creates a new DiscoveryConfig with a set of changes specified in an Action More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Gets the hash code More...
override bool Equals (object other)
 Compares for equality More...
bool Equals (DiscoveryConfig other)
 Compares for equality More...


Duration ParticipantLivelinessLeaseDuration [get]
 The liveliness lease duration for the participant. More...
Duration ParticipantLivelinessAssertPeriod [get]
 The period to assert liveliness for the participant. More...
Duration ParticipantAnnouncementPeriod [get]
 The period at which a participant announces itself to potential peers when using the Simple Participant Discovery Protocol 2.0 (SPDP2). More...
RemoteParticipantPurgeKind RemoteParticipantPurgeKind [get]
 The participant's behavior for maintaining knowledge of remote participants (and their contained entities) with which discovery communication has been lost. More...
Duration MaxLivelinessLossDetectionPeriod [get]
 The maximum amount of time between when a remote entity stops maintaining its liveliness and when the matched local entity realizes that fact. More...
int InitialParticipantAnnouncements [get]
 The number of initial announcements sent when a participant is first enabled. More...
int NewRemoteParticipantAnnouncements [get]
 The number of announcements sent when a remote participant is newly discovered. More...
Duration MinInitialParticipantAnnouncementPeriod [get]
 The minimum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered. More...
Duration MaxInitialParticipantAnnouncementPeriod [get]
 The maximum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered. More...
BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits ParticipantReaderResourceLimits [get]
 Resource limits. More...
RtpsReliableReaderProtocol PublicationReader [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated with a built-in publication reader. More...
BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits PublicationReaderResourceLimits [get]
 Resource limits. More...
RtpsReliableReaderProtocol SubscriptionReader [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated with a built-in subscription reader. More...
BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits SubscriptionReaderResourceLimits [get]
 Resource limits. More...
RtpsReliableWriterProtocol PublicationWriter [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with a built-in publication writer. More...
WriterDataLifecycle PublicationWriterDataLifecycle [get]
 Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in publication writer. More...
RtpsReliableWriterProtocol SubscriptionWriter [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with a built-in subscription writer. More...
WriterDataLifecycle SubscriptionWriterDataLifecycle [get]
 Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in subscription writer. More...
BuiltinPluginKind BuiltinDiscoveryPlugins [get]
 The mask kind for built-in discovery plugins. More...
BuiltinChannelsKind EnabledBuiltinChannels [get]
 The mask for enabled built-in channels. More...
ReliabilityKind ParticipantMessageReaderReliabilityKind [get]
 Reliability policy for a built-in participant message reader. More...
RtpsReliableReaderProtocol ParticipantMessageReader [get]
 RTPS reliable reader protocol-related configuration settings for a built-in participant message reader. This parameter only has effect if ParticipantMessageReaderReliabilityKind is set to ReliabilityKind.ReliabilityKind. More...
RtpsReliableWriterProtocol ParticipantMessageWriter [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with the built-in participant message writer. This parameter only has effect if the matching participant message reader is configured with ReliabilityKind.ReliabilityKind. More...
PublishMode PublicationWriterPublishMode [get]
 Publish mode policy for the built-in publication writer. More...
PublishMode SubscriptionWriterPublishMode [get]
 Publish mode policy for the built-in subscription writer. More...
AsynchronousPublisher AsynchronousPublisher [get]
 Asynchronous publishing settings for the discovery Publication.Publisher and all entities that are created by it. More...
Duration DefaultDomainAnnouncementPeriod [get]
 The period to announce a participant to the default domain 0. More...
bool IgnoreDefaultDomainAnnouncements [get]
 Used to ignore the announcements received by a participant on the default domain 0 corresponding to participants running on domains IDs other than 0. More...
RtpsReliableWriterProtocol ServiceRequestWriter [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with the built-in ServiceRequest writer. More...
WriterDataLifecycle ServiceRequestWriterDataLifecycle [get]
 Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in ServiceRequest writer. More...
PublishMode ServiceRequestWriterPublishMode [get]
 Publish mode policy for the built-in service request writer. More...
RtpsReliableReaderProtocol ServiceRequestReader [get]
 RTPS reliable reader protocol-related configuration settings for a built-in ServiceRequest reader. More...
Duration LocatorReachabilityAssertPeriod [get]
 Period at which this DomainParticipant will assert the locators discovered from other DomainParticipants. More...
Duration LocatorReachabilityLeaseDuration [get]
 The time period after which other DomainParticipants can consider one of their locators as "unreachable" if they do not receive a REACHABILITY PING from this DomainParticipant. More...
Duration LocatorReachabilityChangeDetectionPeriod [get]
 Period at which this DomainParticipant will check if its locators are reachable from other DomainParticipants. More...
RtpsReliableWriterProtocol SecureVolatileWriter [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with the built-in secure volatile writer. More...
PublishMode SecureVolatileWriterPublishMode [get]
 Publish mode policy for the built-in secure volatile writer. More...
RtpsReliableReaderProtocol SecureVolatileReader [get]
 RTPS reliable reader protocol-related configuration settings for the built-in secure volatile reader. More...
int EndpointTypeObjectLbSerializationThreshold [get]
 Option to reduce the size required to propagate a TypeObject in Simple Endpoint Discovery More...
Duration DnsTrackerPollingPeriod [get]
 Duration that specifies the period used by the DNS tracker to poll the DNS service and check for changes in the hostnames. More...
RtpsReliableReaderProtocol ParticipantConfigurationReader [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated with a built-in participant configuration reader. More...
BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits ParticipantConfigurationReaderResourceLimits [get]
 Resource limits. More...
RtpsReliableWriterProtocol ParticipantConfigurationWriter [get]
 RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with a built-in participant configuration writer. More...
WriterDataLifecycle ParticipantConfigurationWriterDataLifecycle [get]
 Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in participant configuration writer. More...
PublishMode ParticipantConfigurationWriterPublishMode [get]
 Publish mode policy for the built-in participant configuration writer. More...
static DiscoveryConfig Default = CreateDefault() [get]
 Singleton containing the default value of a DiscoveryConfig More...

Detailed Description

Controls how often to send discovery packets, how to determine when participants are alive or dead, and resources used by the discovery mechanism.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy

Member Function Documentation

◆ With()

DiscoveryConfig Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.With ( Action< DiscoveryConfigBuilder build)

Creates a new DiscoveryConfig with a set of changes specified in an Action

buildAn Action (typically a lambda function) that receives a modifiable object with the current values of this DiscoveryConfig.
A new DiscoveryConfig with the changes applied by the Action

◆ GetHashCode()

override int Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.GetHashCode ( )

Gets the hash code

◆ Equals() [1/2]

override bool Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.Equals ( object  other)

Compares for equality

◆ Equals() [2/2]

bool Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.Equals ( DiscoveryConfig  other)

Compares for equality

Property Documentation

◆ ParticipantLivelinessLeaseDuration

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantLivelinessLeaseDuration

The liveliness lease duration for the participant.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_liveliness_lease_duration

◆ ParticipantLivelinessAssertPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantLivelinessAssertPeriod

The period to assert liveliness for the participant.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_liveliness_assert_period

◆ ParticipantAnnouncementPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantAnnouncementPeriod

The period at which a participant announces itself to potential peers when using the Simple Participant Discovery Protocol 2.0 (SPDP2).

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_announcement_period

◆ RemoteParticipantPurgeKind

RemoteParticipantPurgeKind Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.RemoteParticipantPurgeKind

The participant's behavior for maintaining knowledge of remote participants (and their contained entities) with which discovery communication has been lost.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_remote_participant_purge_kind

◆ MaxLivelinessLossDetectionPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.MaxLivelinessLossDetectionPeriod

The maximum amount of time between when a remote entity stops maintaining its liveliness and when the matched local entity realizes that fact.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_max_liveliness_loss_detection_period

◆ InitialParticipantAnnouncements

int Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.InitialParticipantAnnouncements

The number of initial announcements sent when a participant is first enabled.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_initial_participant_announcements

◆ NewRemoteParticipantAnnouncements

int Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.NewRemoteParticipantAnnouncements

The number of announcements sent when a remote participant is newly discovered.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_new_remote_participant_announcements

◆ MinInitialParticipantAnnouncementPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.MinInitialParticipantAnnouncementPeriod

The minimum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_min_initial_participant_announcement_period

◆ MaxInitialParticipantAnnouncementPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.MaxInitialParticipantAnnouncementPeriod

The maximum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_max_initial_participant_announcement_period

◆ ParticipantReaderResourceLimits

BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantReaderResourceLimits

Resource limits.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_reader_resource_limits

◆ PublicationReader

RtpsReliableReaderProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.PublicationReader

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated with a built-in publication reader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_publication_reader

◆ PublicationReaderResourceLimits

BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.PublicationReaderResourceLimits

Resource limits.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_publication_reader_resource_limits

◆ SubscriptionReader

RtpsReliableReaderProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SubscriptionReader

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated with a built-in subscription reader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_subscription_reader

◆ SubscriptionReaderResourceLimits

BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SubscriptionReaderResourceLimits

Resource limits.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_subscription_reader_resource_limits

◆ PublicationWriter

RtpsReliableWriterProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.PublicationWriter

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with a built-in publication writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_publication_writer

◆ PublicationWriterDataLifecycle

WriterDataLifecycle Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.PublicationWriterDataLifecycle

Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in publication writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_publication_writer_data_lifecycle

◆ SubscriptionWriter

RtpsReliableWriterProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SubscriptionWriter

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with a built-in subscription writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_subscription_writer

◆ SubscriptionWriterDataLifecycle

WriterDataLifecycle Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SubscriptionWriterDataLifecycle

Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in subscription writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_subscription_writer_data_lifecycle

◆ BuiltinDiscoveryPlugins

BuiltinPluginKind Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.BuiltinDiscoveryPlugins

The mask kind for built-in discovery plugins.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_builtin_discovery_plugins

◆ EnabledBuiltinChannels

BuiltinChannelsKind Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.EnabledBuiltinChannels

The mask for enabled built-in channels.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_enabled_builtin_channels

◆ ParticipantMessageReaderReliabilityKind

ReliabilityKind Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantMessageReaderReliabilityKind

Reliability policy for a built-in participant message reader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_message_reader_reliability_kind

◆ ParticipantMessageReader

RtpsReliableReaderProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantMessageReader

RTPS reliable reader protocol-related configuration settings for a built-in participant message reader. This parameter only has effect if ParticipantMessageReaderReliabilityKind is set to ReliabilityKind.ReliabilityKind.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_message_reader

◆ ParticipantMessageWriter

RtpsReliableWriterProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantMessageWriter

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with the built-in participant message writer. This parameter only has effect if the matching participant message reader is configured with ReliabilityKind.ReliabilityKind.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_message_writer

◆ PublicationWriterPublishMode

PublishMode Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.PublicationWriterPublishMode

Publish mode policy for the built-in publication writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_publication_writer_publish_mode

◆ SubscriptionWriterPublishMode

PublishMode Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SubscriptionWriterPublishMode

Publish mode policy for the built-in subscription writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_subscription_writer_publish_mode

◆ AsynchronousPublisher

AsynchronousPublisher Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.AsynchronousPublisher

Asynchronous publishing settings for the discovery Publication.Publisher and all entities that are created by it.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_asynchronous_publisher

◆ DefaultDomainAnnouncementPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.DefaultDomainAnnouncementPeriod

The period to announce a participant to the default domain 0.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_default_domain_announcement_period

◆ IgnoreDefaultDomainAnnouncements

bool Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.IgnoreDefaultDomainAnnouncements

Used to ignore the announcements received by a participant on the default domain 0 corresponding to participants running on domains IDs other than 0.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_ignore_default_domain_announcements

◆ ServiceRequestWriter

RtpsReliableWriterProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ServiceRequestWriter

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with the built-in ServiceRequest writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_service_request_writer

◆ ServiceRequestWriterDataLifecycle

WriterDataLifecycle Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ServiceRequestWriterDataLifecycle

Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in ServiceRequest writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_service_request_writer_data_lifecycle

◆ ServiceRequestWriterPublishMode

PublishMode Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ServiceRequestWriterPublishMode

Publish mode policy for the built-in service request writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_service_request_writer_publish_mode

◆ ServiceRequestReader

RtpsReliableReaderProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ServiceRequestReader

RTPS reliable reader protocol-related configuration settings for a built-in ServiceRequest reader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_service_request_reader

◆ LocatorReachabilityAssertPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.LocatorReachabilityAssertPeriod

Period at which this DomainParticipant will assert the locators discovered from other DomainParticipants.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_locator_reachability_assert_period

◆ LocatorReachabilityLeaseDuration

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.LocatorReachabilityLeaseDuration

The time period after which other DomainParticipants can consider one of their locators as "unreachable" if they do not receive a REACHABILITY PING from this DomainParticipant.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_locator_reachability_lease_duration

◆ LocatorReachabilityChangeDetectionPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.LocatorReachabilityChangeDetectionPeriod

Period at which this DomainParticipant will check if its locators are reachable from other DomainParticipants.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_locator_reachability_change_detection_period

◆ SecureVolatileWriter

RtpsReliableWriterProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SecureVolatileWriter

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with the built-in secure volatile writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_secure_volatile_writer

◆ SecureVolatileWriterPublishMode

PublishMode Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SecureVolatileWriterPublishMode

Publish mode policy for the built-in secure volatile writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_secure_volatile_writer_publish_mode

◆ SecureVolatileReader

RtpsReliableReaderProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.SecureVolatileReader

RTPS reliable reader protocol-related configuration settings for the built-in secure volatile reader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_secure_volatile_reader

◆ EndpointTypeObjectLbSerializationThreshold

int Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.EndpointTypeObjectLbSerializationThreshold

Option to reduce the size required to propagate a TypeObject in Simple Endpoint Discovery

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_endpoint_type_object_lb_serialization_threshold

◆ DnsTrackerPollingPeriod

Duration Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.DnsTrackerPollingPeriod

Duration that specifies the period used by the DNS tracker to poll the DNS service and check for changes in the hostnames.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_dns_tracker_polling_period

◆ ParticipantConfigurationReader

RtpsReliableReaderProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantConfigurationReader

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable reader associated with a built-in participant configuration reader.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_configuration_reader

◆ ParticipantConfigurationReaderResourceLimits

BuiltinTopicReaderResourceLimits Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantConfigurationReaderResourceLimits

Resource limits.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_configuration_reader_resource_limits

◆ ParticipantConfigurationWriter

RtpsReliableWriterProtocol Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantConfigurationWriter

RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with a built-in participant configuration writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_configuration_writer

◆ ParticipantConfigurationWriterDataLifecycle

WriterDataLifecycle Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantConfigurationWriterDataLifecycle

Writer data lifecycle settings for a built-in participant configuration writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_configuration_writer_data_lifecycle

◆ ParticipantConfigurationWriterPublishMode

PublishMode Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.ParticipantConfigurationWriterPublishMode

Publish mode policy for the built-in participant configuration writer.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy_participant_configuration_writer_publish_mode

◆ Default

DiscoveryConfig Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.DiscoveryConfig.Default = CreateDefault()

Singleton containing the default value of a DiscoveryConfig