RTI Connext C# API Version 7.2.0
Rti.Dds.Core Namespace Reference

Contains infrastructure types. More...


namespace  Policy
 Contains the QoS policies
namespace  Status
 Contains the Status classes

Data Structures

class  AsyncWaitSetProperty
 Configures an AsyncWaitSet, which is also the object that manages a Subscription.SampleProcessor. More...
class  AsyncWaitSetPropertyBuilder
 A modifiable type used to create an immutable AsyncWaitSetProperty More...
class  CoherentSetInfo
 Information about the coherent set a sample belongs to. Coherent sets are started with Publication.Publisher.BeginCoherentChanges. More...
class  Condition
 Base class for all the conditions that may be attached to a WaitSet. More...
class  ContentFilterProperty
 Type used to provide all the required information to enable content filtering. More...
class  Cookie
 Unique identifier for a written data sample in the form of a sequence of bytes. More...
class  Entity
 Abstract base class for all the DDS objects that support QoS policies, status events, and a status condition. More...
class  EntityLock
 The lock used by an Entity to protect its operations. Obtained via Entity.Lock. More...
class  GuardCondition
 A Condition whose Condition.TriggerValue is completely under the control of the application. More...
struct  Guid
 A global unique identifier. More...
struct  InstanceHandle
 Handle to identity different instances of the same Topics.Topic<T> of a certain type. More...
class  Locator
 Type used to represent the addressing information needed to send a message to an RTPS Endpoint using one of the supported transports. More...
class  LocatorBuilder
 A modifiable type used to create an immutable Locator More...
class  Priority
 Special priority values for policies such as Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.ChannelSettings.Priority or Rti.Dds.Core.Policy.PublishMode.Priority More...
class  QosPrintAll
 Sentinel that selects a particular ToString() overload of a QoS object. More...
class  QosPrintFormat
 Used to conifgure the output of the QoS ToString APIs. More...
class  QosProvider
 Provides access to XML-defined QoS profiles, data types, and complete DDS systems. More...
struct  SampleIdentity
 Uniquely identifies a data sample within a DDS domain and a Topic. More...
class  SequenceNumber
 Contains constants for particular sequence numbers More...
class  ServiceEnvironment
 The global entry point to the RTI Connext DDS API. More...
class  StatusCondition
 A Condition that is associated with each Entity and activates when certain status changes happen to that Entity. More...
class  ThreadContext
 Utility that cleans up memory used by Connext on the thread. More...
class  TransportInfo
 Contains the class id and message max size of an installed transport. More...
class  TransportInfoBuilder
 A modifiable type used to create an immutable TransportInfo More...
struct  VendorId
 Type used to represent the vendor of the service implementing the RTPS protocol. More...
class  WaitSet
 Allows an application to wait until one or more of the attached Condition objects have a trigger value of true or else until the timeout expires. More...
class  WaitSetProperty
 Specifies how a WaitSet behaves when multiple conditions are triggered. More...
class  WaitSetPropertyBuilder
 A modifiable type used to create an immutable WaitSetProperty More...


enum  TransportClassId {
  Invalid = -1 ,
  Any = 0 ,
  UDPv4 = 1 ,
  Shmem510 = 2 ,
  UDPv6 = Shmem510 ,
  Intra = 3 ,
  UDPv6510 = 5 ,
  TCPv4LAN = 8 ,
  TCPv4WAN = 9 ,
  TLSv4LAN = 10 ,
  TLSv4WAN = 11 ,
  ReservedRange = 1000 ,
  Shmem = 0x01000000 ,
  UDPv4Wan = 0x01000001
 Definition of the transport class id. More...

Detailed Description

Contains infrastructure types.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TransportClassId

Definition of the transport class id.








Shared memory in RTI Connext 5.1.0 and earlier.






UDPv6 in RTI Connext 5.1.0 and earlier.


TCPv4 LAN mode.


TCPv4 WAN mode.


TLSv4 LAN mode.


TLSv4 WAN mode.


Reserved for additional user-defined transport plugins.


Shared memory.
