RTI Connext C# API Version 7.2.0
Rti.Dds.Subscription Namespace Reference

Contains the classes to support subscribing to topics. More...

Data Structures

class  AckResponseData
 Data payload associated with an application-level acknowledgment. More...
class  AnyDataReader
 The base of a typed DataReader<T>. Provides type-independent methods and properties. More...
struct  CoherentAccess
 A disposable object returned when a coherent access begins with Subscriber.BeginAccess and whose Dispose method ends it. More...
class  DataReader
 Allows the application to: (1) declare the data it wishes to receive (i.e. make a subscription) and (2) access the data received by the attached Subscriber. More...
class  DataReaderAsyncExtensions
 Provides extensions to DataReader<T> More...
class  DataReaderQos
 Container of the QoS policies that a DataReader<T> supports More...
class  Filter
 Defines a filter to create a Topics.ContentFilteredTopic<T>. More...
class  LoanedSample
 Contains the data and the information associated with a sample, which are only valid until their LoanedSamples<T> container is Disposed More...
class  LoanedSamples
 Provides temporary access to a collection of samples (data and info). More...
class  QueryCondition
 A specialized ReadCondition that allows specifying a filter on the locally available data. More...
class  ReadCondition
 Conditions specifically dedicated to read operations and attached to one DataReader<T>. More...
class  SampleInfo
 Information that accompanies each sample received by a DataReader More...
class  SampleProcessor
 A SampleProcessor automatically takes the data from the attached readers and provides each data sample to a user-defined handler function. The SampleProcessor uses a configurable thread pool to wait for the data and call the handlers. More...
class  Selector
 Allows composing read and take operations. Selectors are returned by DataReader<T>.Select More...
class  SelectorBase
 Base class for the Selector<T> and SelectorUntyped classes. More...
class  SelectorUntyped
 Allows composing read and take operations. Selectors are returned by AnyDataReader.SelectUntyped More...
class  Subscriber
 A subscriber is the object responsible for actually receiving data from a subscription. More...
class  SubscriberQos
 QoS policies supported by a Subscriber. More...
class  TopicQuery
 Unsupported in this release More...


delegate void SubscriptionMatchedEventHandler (AnyDataReader reader, SubscriptionMatchedStatus status)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.SubscriptionMatched status. More...
delegate void DataAvailableEventHandler (AnyDataReader reader)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.DataAvailable status. More...
delegate void LivelinessChangedEventHandler (AnyDataReader reader, LivelinessChangedStatus status)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.LivelinessChanged status. More...
delegate void RequestedDeadlineMissedEventHandler (AnyDataReader reader, RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus status)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.RequestedDeadlineMissed status. More...
delegate void RequestedIncompatibleQosEventHandler (AnyDataReader reader, RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus status)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.RequestedIncompatibleQos status. More...
delegate void SampleLostEventHandler (AnyDataReader reader, SampleLostStatus status)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.SampleLost status. More...
delegate void SampleRejectedEventHandler (AnyDataReader reader, SampleRejectedStatus status)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.SampleRejected status. More...
delegate void DataOnReadersEventHandler (Subscriber reader)
 Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.DataOnReaders status. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the classes to support subscribing to topics.

Function Documentation

◆ SubscriptionMatchedEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.SubscriptionMatchedEventHandler ( AnyDataReader  reader,
SubscriptionMatchedStatus  status 

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.SubscriptionMatched status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataReaderListener_on_subscription_matched

◆ DataAvailableEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.DataAvailableEventHandler ( AnyDataReader  reader)

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.DataAvailable status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataReaderListener_on_data_available

◆ LivelinessChangedEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.LivelinessChangedEventHandler ( AnyDataReader  reader,
LivelinessChangedStatus  status 

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.LivelinessChanged status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataReaderListener_on_liveliness_changed

◆ RequestedDeadlineMissedEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.RequestedDeadlineMissedEventHandler ( AnyDataReader  reader,
RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus  status 

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.RequestedDeadlineMissed status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataReaderListener_on_requested_deadline_missed

◆ RequestedIncompatibleQosEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.RequestedIncompatibleQosEventHandler ( AnyDataReader  reader,
RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus  status 

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.RequestedIncompatibleQos status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataReaderListener_on_requested_incompatible_qos

◆ SampleLostEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.SampleLostEventHandler ( AnyDataReader  reader,
SampleLostStatus  status 

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.SampleLost status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataReaderListener_on_sample_lost

◆ SampleRejectedEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.SampleRejectedEventHandler ( AnyDataReader  reader,
SampleRejectedStatus  status 

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.SampleRejected status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_DataReaderListener_on_sample_rejected

◆ DataOnReadersEventHandler()

delegate void Rti.Dds.Subscription.DataOnReadersEventHandler ( Subscriber  reader)

Delegate type of the handler for the StatusMask.DataOnReaders status.

The full documentation is available in the C API: DDS_SubscriberListener_on_data_on_readers