RTI Connext C# API Version 7.2.0
Rti.Types.Dynamic Namespace Reference

Contains support for the dynamic definition and manipulation of topic-types. More...

Data Structures

class  AliasType
 Represents an IDL alias type (typedef) More...
class  ArrayType
 Represents an IDL array. More...
class  DynamicData
 A data sample of any complex data type, which can be inspected and manipulated reflectively. More...
struct  DynamicDataInfo
 A descriptor for a DynamicData object. More...
class  DynamicDataProperty
 A collection of attributes used to optionally configure a DynamicData object in its constructor. More...
class  DynamicType
 The definition of a data type, which can be used to inspect DDS types, and to dynamically create new types and DynamicData samples. More...
class  DynamicTypeFactory
 A factory for creating DynamicTypes. More...
class  EnumBuilder
 Allows creating a new EnumType via DynamicTypeFactory.BuildEnum(). More...
class  EnumMember
 Represents an enumerator in an EnumType. More...
class  EnumType
 Represents an IDL enum. More...
struct  LoanedDynamicData
 Gives temporary access to a member of another DynamicData object. More...
struct  MemberInfo
 A descriptor for a field of a dynamically defined data type. More...
class  PrimitiveType
 Represents an IDL primitive type. Use DynamicTypeFactory.GetPrimitiveType<T>. More...
class  SequenceType
 Represents an IDL sequence. More...
class  StringType
 Represents an IDL string. More...
class  StructBuilder
 Allows creating a new StructType via DynamicTypeFactory.BuildStruct(). More...
class  StructMember
 Represents a data member in a StructType. More...
class  StructType
 Represents an IDL struct. More...
class  TypeSerializationProperty
 Properties that govern how data of a certain type will be serialized on the network. More...
class  UnionBuilder
 Allows creating a new UnionType via DynamicTypeFactory.BuildUnion(). More...
class  UnionMember
 Represents a union member in a UnionType. More...
class  UnionType
 Represents an IDL union. More...
class  WideStringType
 Represents an IDL wstring. More...

Detailed Description

Contains support for the dynamic definition and manipulation of topic-types.