4.14. XML Configuration

4.14.1. Incorrect parsing of data_representation attribute in XML type definitions

The type attribute data_representation was not parsed correctly. This could result in a type requiring a different representation (XCDR1, XCDR2, or both) than defined by the XML for the type.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-13769]

4.14.2. Creating Topic-specific entities from a <qos_profile> using QoS profile inheritance and/or composition returned incorrect values

Topic-specific entities include DataWriter, DataReader and Topic. Their corresponding tags <datareader_qos>, <datawriter_qos> and <topic_qos> contain the topic_filter attribute that allows you to indicate which Topic name the XML values should be used for. The internal mechanism of the Core Libraries XML parser had a bug where incorrect values could be returned from a <qos_profile> when the following conditions were true:

  1. The <qos_profile> used QoS Profile inheritance and/or composition, where the parent QoS Profiles contained any of the above Topic-specific entities.

  2. The <qos_profile> did not contain the QoS tag for the Topic-specific entity being created by pointing to it: for example, in the C API, if you called DDS_DomainParticipant_create_datawriter_with_profile() on a <qos_profile> that did not contain a <datawriter_qos> tag.

This issue has been resolved.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-13438]

4.14.3. configuration_variables tag was not effective

The <configuration_variables> tag was visible and accepted by the Connext .xsd files, but it had no effect: the configured values were not used by the Core Libraries to set the value of XML-defined environment variables. This has been corrected. Now, the <configuration_variables> tag can be used to define default values for XML-defined environment variables, which will take effect if those environment variables are not set on the terminal.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-11871]

4.14.4. Using languageBinding attribute on union types in XML caused parsing error

When a union type that used the languageBinding attribute was created in XML, a parsing error would result. This issue has been fixed.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-13905]