4. Regressions

Regressions are documented in the release in which they were introduced, as well as the releases to which they still apply. For example, a regression introduced in 6.0.0 and not fixed until 6.1.0 will be listed in both the 6.0.0 and 6.0.1 sections below.


This Migration Guide focuses only on the major, three-digit (LTS or feature) releases (6.0.1, 6.1.2, 7.2.0, etc.) in which a regression is introduced or fixed. Many regressions are also fixed in patch releases (such as, which are not always mentioned in this Migration Guide. To find out if a regression is fixed in a patch release, contact RTI Support at support@rti.com or via the RTI Customer Portal (https://support.rti.com).

7.2.0 Regressions
If you’re upgrading to 7.2.0, then only 7.2.0 Regressions apply to you:

7.1.0 Regressions
If you’re upgrading to 7.1.0, then only 7.1.0 Regressions apply to you:

7.0.0 Regressions
In 7.0.0, only 7.0.0 Regressions apply to you:

6.1.1/6.1.2 Regressions
If you’re upgrading to 6.1.1 or 6.1.2, then only 6.1.1/6.1.2 Regressions apply to you:

6.1.0 Regressions
If you’re upgrading to 6.1.0, then only 6.1.0 Regressions apply to you:

6.0.1 Regressions
If you’re upgrading to 6.0.1, then only 6.0.1 Regressions apply to you:

6.0.0 Regressions
If you’re upgrading to 6.0.0, then 6.0.0 Regressions apply to you: