11.5.5. What’s Fixed in 7.0.0

[Critical]: System-stopping issue, such as a crash or data loss.
[Major]: Significant issue with no easy workaround.
[Minor]: Issue with an available workaround.
[Trivial]: Small issue, such as a typo in a log. [Minor] Schema files not compliant with DDS-XML specification

The schema file rti_service_common_definitions.xsd, and its included files, have been changed as follows to make them compliant with the DDS-XML specification (https://www.omg.org/spec/DDS-XML/1.0/PDF):

  • <participant_qos> has been renamed to <domain_participant_qos>.

The old tag is still accepted by the Connext XML parser and the XSD schema to maintain backward compatibility.

[RTI Issue ID RECORD-1242]