10.6. Known Issues


For an updated list of critical known issues, see the Critical Issues List on the RTI Customer Portal at https://support.rti.com/.

10.6.1. Configurations and their applications cannot use same name

Due to current limitations in Connext DDS’s XML Parser, the name of the Web Integration Service configuration tag and the name of the applications within that configuration cannot be the same. For example:

<web_integration_service name="ShapesDemo">
    <application name="ShapesDemo"/>

To workaround this limitation, use different names for the service configuration tag and the applications within. For example:

<web_integration_service name="ShapesDemo">
    <application name="ShapesDemoApplication"/>

[RTI Issue ID CORE-3542]

10.6.2. Some tags in the XML configuration must be grouped in a strict order

The XML validator tools Web Integration Service uses to validate XML configuration files adhere to the XML 1.0 specification, which doesn’t offer a way of defining collections of unordered tags that are both bounded and unbounded in occurrences.

This limitation is no longer present in XML 1.1. However, there are no C or C++ validators compliant with the XML 1.1 specification at the time of writing.

[RTI Issue ID CORE-14178]