RTI Connext .NET API (legacy)  Version 6.1.2

Configures the period in milliseconds at which BINDING_PING messages are sent by a local transport instance to a remote transport instance. For example, 1000 means to send BINDING_PING messages every second.

BINDING_PING messages are used on the sending side to open NAT bindings from a local transport instance to a remote transport instance and they are sent periodically to keep the bindings open.

On the receiving side, BINDING_PINGS are used to calculate the public IP transport address of an UUID locator. This address will be used to send data to the locator.

For additional information on the role of BINDING_PING, see the Core Libraries User's Manual.

From a configuration point of view, and to avoid communication disruptions, the period at which a transport instance sends BINDING_PING messages should be smaller than the NAT binding session timeout. This timeout depends on the NAT router configuration.

[default] 1000 (1 sec)