RTI Connext DDS Micro C++ API
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void * OSAPI_Heap_allocate (RTI_SIZE_T count, RTI_SIZE_T size)
 Allocates zero-initialized memory from the heap.
void * OSAPI_Heap_realloc (void *ptr, RTI_SIZE_T size)
 Reallocate memory from the heap.
void OSAPI_Heap_free (void *ptr)
 Frees memory allocated from the heap.
void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_struct (TYPE **pointer, TYPE)
 Allocates space on the heap for a C structure and initializes the structure with 0's.
void OSAPI_Heap_free_struct (TYPE *pointer)
 Returns previously allocated (with OSAPI_Heap_allocate_struct) space to the heap.
void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_array (TYPE **pointer, int count, TYPE)
 A static method to allocate space on the heap for an array of C structures; the array is initialized with 0's.
void OSAPI_Heap_free_array (TYPE *storage)
 A static method to return space (that was previously allocated with OSAPI_Heap_allocate_array) to the heap.
void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_string (char **pointer, RTI_UINT32 size)
 A static method to allocate space on the heap for a string of up to a given size. The string is initialized with 0's.
void OSAPI_Heap_free_string (char *pointer)
 A static method to return space string space to the heap.
void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_buffer (char **buffer, RTI_SIZE_T size, OSAPI_Alignment_T alignment)
 A static method to allocate a block of memory of the provided size from the heap.
void OSAPI_Heap_free_buffer (void *buffer)
 A static method to return a block (that was previously allocated with OSAPI_Heap_allocate_buffer) to the heap.
RTI_SIZE_T OSAPI_Heap_get_allocated_byte_count (void)
 Return current allocated memory.
void OSAPI_Heap_disable_alloc (void)
 Disable memory allocation.


RTI_SIZE_T OSAPI_gv_AllocatedByteCount
 Current allocated bytes.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void* OSAPI_Heap_allocate ( RTI_SIZE_T  count,
RTI_SIZE_T  size 

Allocates zero-initialized memory from the heap.

The function allocates count elements of size size and sets the memory region to 0.

NOTE: This operation assumes the specified size to be > 0; this operation is never used directly but it is only accessed by using one of the other allocate operations of OSAPI_Heap (e.g. allocate_struct, allocate_array, allocate_string...); these operations are implemented as macros and accept a "type" argument which is always converted to a size > 0 using the sizeof operator.

[in]countThe number of elements to allocate.
[in]sizeThe size of the element; size is assumed to be always greater than 0.
. A pointer to a contiguous memory area guaranteed to be large enough store count elements of size size.

See Also OSAPI_Heap_free

void* OSAPI_Heap_realloc ( void *  ptr,
RTI_SIZE_T  size 

Reallocate memory from the heap.

[in]ptrCurrently allocated buffer
[in]sizeThe new desired size
. A pointer to a contiguous memory area guaranteed to be large enough store size bytes, NULL if the reallocation failed. See Also OSAPI_Heap_free
void OSAPI_Heap_free ( void *  ptr)

Frees memory allocated from the heap.

The function frees memory previously allocated with OSAPI_Heap_allocate back to the heap.

[in]ptrPointer to region previous allocated with OSAPI_Heap_allocate

See Also OSAPI_Heap_allocate

void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_struct ( TYPE **  pointer,

Allocates space on the heap for a C structure and initializes the structure with 0's.


struct MyStruct *myStruct;
OSAPI_Heap_allocate_struct(&myStruct, struct MyStruct);
if (myStruct==NULL) {

The returned space must be freed with OSAPI_Heap_free_struct. NOTE: This operation is implemented as a macro in order to support the specification of a "type" argument (converted to a size value using the sizeof operator).

void OSAPI_Heap_free_struct ( TYPE *  pointer)

Returns previously allocated (with OSAPI_Heap_allocate_struct) space to the heap.

[in]pointerIf NULL, no op.


void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_array ( TYPE **  pointer,
int  count,

A static method to allocate space on the heap for an array of C structures; the array is initialized with 0's.


struct MyElement *array;
OSAPI_Heap_allocate_struct(&array, 7, struct MyElement);
if (array==NULL) {
// elements of the array can be accessed as array[i]

The returned space must be freed with OSAPI_Heap_free_array. NOTE: This operation is implemented as a macro in order to support the specification of a "type" argument (converted to a size value using the sizeof operator).

void OSAPI_Heap_free_array ( TYPE *  storage)

A static method to return space (that was previously allocated with OSAPI_Heap_allocate_array) to the heap.


[in]storageIf NULL, no op.
void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_string ( char **  pointer,
RTI_UINT32  size 

A static method to allocate space on the heap for a string of up to a given size. The string is initialized with 0's.


char* myString;
OSAPI_Heap_allocate_string(&myString, 128);
[out]pointerString buffer.
[in]sizeSize in bytes to allocate; this length must not include the string terminator, which is automatically added to the specified value. The returned space must be freed with OSAPI_Heap_free_string.
void OSAPI_Heap_free_string ( char *  pointer)

A static method to return space string space to the heap.

[in]pointerIf NULL, no op.
void OSAPI_Heap_allocate_buffer ( char **  buffer,
RTI_SIZE_T  size,
OSAPI_Alignment_T  alignment 

A static method to allocate a block of memory of the provided size from the heap.

The returned address will be a multiple of 2^alignment; its memory will be initialized with 0's.
[in]size> 0
[in]alignmentPower of 2 and >0 or OSAPI_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT. If the alignment is OSAPI_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT, the returned pointer will have "default alignment" (meaning that any C-structure can start at the beginning of the buffer).

The block must be returned to the heap with OSAPI_Heap_free_buffer.

void OSAPI_Heap_free_buffer ( void *  buffer)

A static method to return a block (that was previously allocated with OSAPI_Heap_allocate_buffer) to the heap.

[in]bufferIf NULL, no op.
RTI_SIZE_T OSAPI_Heap_get_allocated_byte_count ( void  )

Return current allocated memory.

MT Safety:
void OSAPI_Heap_disable_alloc ( void  )

Disable memory allocation.

Variable Documentation

RTI_SIZE_T OSAPI_gv_AllocatedByteCount

Current allocated bytes.

RTI Connext DDS Micro C++ API Copyright © Mon May 20 2024 Real-Time Innovations, Inc