5.5. Building the Connext Micro Source for ThreadX

5.5.1. Introduction

This section explains the environment used to run Connext Micro on the Threadx® + NetX™ and is organized as follows:

5.5.2. Overview

Connext Micro is known to run on the ThreadX operating system and NetX network stack. The Renesas™ SK-S7G2 Starter Kit has been chosen as reference hardware. This starter kit has a Synergy S7G2 microcontroller with 4 Mbytes of flash memory and 640 KBytes of SRAM. For a full description, please refer to the microcontroller and starter kit documentation (https://www.renesas.com/us/en/products/synergy/hardware/kits/sk-s7g2.html).

Renesas provides an Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) called e² studio. The Synergy® Software Package (SSP) provides several middleware components like ThreadX and NetX. e² studio and the SSP allow you to create solutions based on ThreadX and NetX for the Renesas SK-S7G2.

Renesas provides several examples for the SK-S7G2 and e² studio. The DHCP client example is particularly useful, as it provides a working ThreadX and NetX configuration.

We used the following components to build the Connext Micro application:

  • e² studio version

  • SSP version 1.2.0

  • ThreadX 5.7

  • NetX 5.9 SP2

5.5.3. Configuration

e² studio allows you to configure ThreadX and NetX. Connext Micro expects two variables to be configured in NetX with the following default names:

  • g_ip0 : This is the expected name of the NetX IP instance.

  • g_packet_pool0 : This is the expected name of the NextX packet pool instance.

5.5.4. CMake Support

Connext Micro includes support to compile libraries for ThreadX/NetX using CMake . It is assumed that the Connext Micro source-bundle has been downloaded and installed and that CMake is available.

  1. Make sure CMake is in the path.

  2. Define the following environment variables:

    • SYNERGY_PATH : Path to your Synergy project. This is needed to add the include paths to the ThreadX and NetX public header files, and other header files used by the ThreadX and NetX public header files.

    • PATH : Update your path with the location of the C and C++ compilers. By default arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-g++ are used as C and C++ compilers.

  3. Enter the following command:

    cd <rti_me install directory>
    resource/scripts/rtime-make --target ThreadX --name cortexm4ThreadX5.7gcc4.9.3 -G "Unix Makefiles" --build
  4. The Connext Micro libraries are available in:

    <rti_me install directory>/lib/cortexm4ThreadX5.7gcc4.9.3

NOTE: rtime-make uses the name specified with –name to determine a few settings needed by Connext Micro. Please refer to Preparing for a Build for details.