8.4.17. What’s New in 2.4.8

2.4.8 is a maintenance release with no new features.

8.4.18. What’s Fixed in 2.4.8 Consistent support for assignment operator in C++

The assignment operator for the DDS Qos, Qos policy and Status structures were not consistently supported. This has been fixed in this release as follows:

  • All QoS structures support the default generated C++ assignment operator.

  • All QoS policy structures support the default generated C++ assignment operator.

  • All Status structures support the default generated C++ assignment operator.

In addition, all QoS structures support the == and != operators.

[RTI Issue ID MICRO-1541] DPSE API renamed to avoid conflict with assert()

The DPSE C++ API had methods called assert. However, this conflicts with the C assert() macro. This has been fixed in this release by updating the DPSE C++ API to be inline with the C API. The new API is:

class DDSCPPDllExport DPSEDiscoveryPlugin
  static DDS_ReturnCode_t
  RemoteParticipant_assert(DDSDomainParticipant *const participant,
                           const char *rem_participant_name);

  static DDS_ReturnCode_t
  RemotePublication_assert(DDSDomainParticipant * const participant,
                           const char *const rem_participant_name,
                           const struct DDS_PublicationBuiltinTopicData *const data,
                           NDDS_TypePluginKeyKind key_kind);

  static DDS_ReturnCode_t
  RemoteSubscription_assert(DDSDomainParticipant * const participant,
                            const char *const rem_participant_name,
                            const struct DDS_SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData *const data,
                            NDDS_TypePluginKeyKind key_kind);

[RTI Issue ID MICRO-1539]