RTI Connext DDS Micro C++ API  Version 4.0.1
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DDSTopicDescription Class Reference

<<interface>> Base class for DDSTopic. More...

#include <dds_cpp_topic.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for DDSTopicDescription:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * get_type_name ()=0
 <<cert>> Get the associated type_name.
virtual const char * get_name ()=0
 <<cert>> Get the name used to create this DDSTopicDescription .
virtual DDSDomainParticipantget_participant ()=0
 <<cert>> Get the DDSDomainParticipant to which the DDSTopicDescription belongs.

Detailed Description

<<interface>> Base class for DDSTopic.

DDSTopicDescription represents the fact that both publications and subscriptions are tied to a single data-type. Its attribute type_name defines a unique resulting type for the publication or the subscription and therefore creates an implicit association with a type.

DDSTopicDescription has also a name that allows it to be retrieved locally.

Member Function Documentation

virtual const char* DDSTopicDescription::get_type_name ( )
pure virtual

<<cert>> Get the associated type_name.

The type name defines a locally unique type for the publication or the subscription.

The type_name corresponds to a unique string used to register a type via the DDSDomainParticipant::register_type method.

Thus, the type_name implies an association with a corresponding type and this DDSTopicDescription.

the type name. The returned type name is valid until the DDSTopicDescription is deleted.
The result is NULL if self is NULL, otherwise result is non-NULL.

Implemented in DDSTopic.

virtual const char* DDSTopicDescription::get_name ( )
pure virtual

<<cert>> Get the name used to create this DDSTopicDescription .

the name used to create this DDSTopicDescription. The returned topic name is valid until the DDSTopicDescription is deleted.
The result is NULL if self is NULL, otherwise result is non-NULL.

Implemented in DDSTopic.

virtual DDSDomainParticipant* DDSTopicDescription::get_participant ( )
pure virtual

<<cert>> Get the DDSDomainParticipant to which the DDSTopicDescription belongs.

The DDSDomainParticipant to which the DDSTopicDescription belongs.
TThe result is NULL if self is NULL, otherwise result is non-NULL.

Implemented in DDSTopic.

RTI Connext DDS Micro C++ API Version 4.0.1 Copyright © Mon Jun 3 2024 Real-Time Innovations, Inc