3. Additional Resources
This section contains a list of additional resources for Routing Service Modbus Adapter. The following resources are not detailed in this documentation because they contain their own README file.
3.1. Examples
Examples are located under <RTI Connext Gateway main folder>/examples/modbus
If you have provided CMake with an installation directory, they will be under
<CMake Installation directory>/examples/modbus
3.2. Tests
Tests are located under <RTI Connext Gateway main folder>/plugins/adapters/modbus/test
If you have provided CMake with an installation directory, they will be under
<CMake Installation directory>/test/modbus
3.3. Utilities
Utilities are located under <RTI Connext Gateway main folder>/plugins/adapters/modbus/utilities
If you have provided CMake with an installation directory, they may be under
different categories, for example binaries will be located under
<CMake Installation directory>/bin
Utilities may contain different stuff that are used by other artifacts or users directly, for example a modbus server, modbus client, etc… They may not contain a README file if they are used and mentioned in other artifacts’s README files.
3.4. Resources
Resources are located under <RTI Connext Gateway main folder>/resource/modbus
If you have provided CMake with an installation directory, they will be under
<CMake Installation directory>/resource/modbus
Resources may include a different set of useful things like JSON schemas,
and more.