4. Release Notes

4.1. Bug fixes (February 2024)

  1. Fixed an issue accessing nested fields in the Dynamic Data, or when setting a string constant in a Dynamic Data nested field. This issue has been fixed.

4.2. Bug fixes (January 2023)

  1. Unexpected behavior when reading DDS negative values in some platforms. This issue has been fixed.

4.3. New features (September 2021)

  1. Support for Modbus RTU slaves devices. These devices are identified by the JSON configuration attribute modbus_slave_device_id.

  2. Support for new constant datatypes. Primitive types, enums and, arrays of the previous types are now allowed values for the JSON configuration attribute value.

4.4. Bug fixes (September 2021)

  1. Unexpected behavior when using negative values in the JSON configuration attributes modbus_min_value and modbus_max_value if the DDS field was unsigned. Now an error is thrown when this happens.

4.5. Supported Platforms

RTI Routing Service Modbus Adapter is expected to build and run on the platforms in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Supported Platforms


Operating System

Linux systems

All Linux platforms supported by RTI Routing Service.

macOS systems

All macOS platforms supported by RTI Routing Service.

Windows systems

All Windows platforms supported by RTI Routing Service.