RTI Connext DDS Performance Test

The RTI Connext DDS Perftest is a combined latency and throughput test application. This test is not part of the core RTI Connext package; it must be downloaded and installed separately. This test measures what is sometimes called "loaded latency"—latency at a given throughput level. It can help you answer questions such as:

  • For a given publishing configuration (e.g., queue size, batching settings), sample size, and subscribing configuration (e.g., queue size, Listener vs. WaitSet) what is the throughput of my network?
  • When my network is heavily loaded, what latency can I expect? 
  • For a given configuration, what is the best-case latency with no other traffic on the network? 

Please refer to the documentation in the doc directory for details on how to install and run the test.

Additionally, you can also refer to the free eLearning video "Measuring Performance Using Perftest" found here: Perftest Video.

RTI Perftest for RTI Connext DDS Professional and Micro

Get the latest version of RTI Perftest on Github:

  • You can find and download the latest releases here.
  • Check our documentation online: Link

Performance results obtained with RTI Perftest

RTI Connext DDS public results are obtained using RTI Perftest. Find these numbers here