Built-in Topics
[Domain Module]

Built-in objects created by RTI Data Distribution Service but accessible to the application. More...


 Participant Built-in Topics
 Builtin topic for accessing information about the DomainParticipants discovered by RTI Data Distribution Service.
 Topic Built-in Topics
 Builtin topic for accessing information about the Topics discovered by RTI Data Distribution Service.
 Publication Built-in Topics
 Builtin topic for accessing information about the Publications discovered by RTI Data Distribution Service.
 Subscription Built-in Topics
 Builtin topic for accessing information about the Subscriptions discovered by RTI Data Distribution Service.


class  DDS::Locator_t
 <<eXtension>> Type used to represent the addressing information needed to send a message to an RTPS Endpoint using one of the supported transports. More...
class  DDS::LocatorSeq
 Declares IDL sequence < DDS::Locator_t >. More...
struct  DDS::ProtocolVersion_t
 <<eXtension>> Type used to represent the version of the RTPS protocol. More...
struct  DDS::VendorId_t
 <<eXtension>> Type used to represent the vendor of the service implementing the RTPS protocol. More...
struct  DDS::ProductVersion_t
 <<eXtension>> Type used to represent the current version of RTI Data Distribution Service. More...
struct  DDS::BuiltinTopicKey_t
 The key type of the built-in topic types. More...
class  DDS::ContentFilterProperty_t
 <<eXtension>> Type used to provide all the required information to enable content filtering. More...


static System::Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_ADDRESS_LENGTH_MAX [get]
 Declares length of address field in locator.
static Locator_t^  DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_INVALID [get]
 An invalid locator.
static System::Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_INVALID [get]
 Locator of this kind is invalid.
static System::UInt32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_PORT_INVALID [get]
 An invalid port.
static array< System::Byte >^ DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_ADDRESS_INVALID [get]
 An invalid address.
static System::Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_UDPv4 [get]
 A locator for a UDPv4 address.
static System::Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_UDPv6 [get]
 A locator for a UDPv6 address.
static System::Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_RESERVED [get]
 Locator of this kind is reserved.
static System::Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_SHMEM [get]
 A locator for an address acessed via shared memory.
static ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION [get]
 The most recent protocol version. Currently 1.2.
static ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_1_0 [get]
 The protocol version 1.0.
static ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_1_1 [get]
 The protocol version 1.1.
static ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_1_2 [get]
 The protocol version 1.2.
static ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_2_0 [get]
 The protocol version 2.0.
static ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_2_1 [get]
 The protocol version 2.1.
static VendorId_t DDS::VendorId_t::VENDORID_UNKNOWN [get]
 The ID used when the vendor of the service implementing the RTPS protocol is not known.
static System::Int32 DDS::VendorId_t::VENDORID_LENGTH_MAX [get]
 Length of vendor id.
static ProductVersion_t DDS::ProductVersion_t::PRODUCTVERSION_UNKNOWN [get]
 The value used when the product version is unknown.

Detailed Description

Built-in objects created by RTI Data Distribution Service but accessible to the application.

RTI Data Distribution Service must discover and keep track of the remote entities, such as new participants in the domain. This information may also be important to the application, which may want to react to this discovery, or else access it on demand.

A set of built-in topics and corresponding DDS::DataReader objects are introduced to be used by the application to access these discovery information.

The information can be accessed as if it was normal application data. This allows the application to know when there are any changes in those values by means of the DDS::Listener or the DDS::Condition mechanisms.

The built-in data-readers all belong to a built-in DDS::Subscriber, which can be retrieved by using the method DDS::DomainParticipant::get_builtin_subscriber. The built-in DDS::DataReader objects can be retrieved by using the operation DDS::Subscriber::lookup_datareader, with the topic name as a parameter.

Built-in entities have default listener settings as well. The built-in DDS::Subscriber and all of its built-in topics have 'nil' listeners with all statuses appearing in their listener masks (acting as a NO-OP listener that does not reset communication status). The built-in DataReaders have null listeners with no statuses in their masks.

The information that is accessible about the remote entities by means of the built-in topics includes all the QoS policies that apply to the corresponding remote Entity. This QoS policies appear as normal 'data' fields inside the data read by means of the built-in Topic. Additional information is provided to identify the Entity and facilitate the application logic.

The built-in DDS::DataReader will not provide data pertaining to entities created from the same DDS::DomainParticipant under the assumption that such entities are already known to the application that created them.

Refer to DDS::ParticipantBuiltinTopicData, DDS::TopicBuiltinTopicData, DDS::SubscriptionBuiltinTopicData and DDS::PublicationBuiltinTopicData for a description of all the built-in topics and their contents.

The QoS of the built-in DDS::Subscriber and DDS::DataReader objects is given by the following table:

QoS of built-in DDS::Subscriber and DDS::DataReader
QoS Value
DDS::UserDataQosPolicy 0-length sequence
DDS::TopicDataQosPolicy 0-length sequence
DDS::GroupDataQosPolicy 0-length sequence
DDS::DurabilityQosPolicy DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyKind::TRANSIENT_LOCAL_DURABILITY_QOS
DDS::DurabilityServiceQosPolicy Does not apply as DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyKind is DDS::DurabilityQosPolicyKind::TRANSIENT_LOCAL_DURABILITY_QOS
DDS::PresentationQosPolicy access_scope = DDS::PresentationQosPolicyAccessScopeKind::TOPIC_PRESENTATION_QOS coherent_access = false ordered_access = false
DDS::DeadlineQosPolicy Period = infinite
DDS::LatencyBudgetQosPolicy duration = 0
DDS::OwnershipQosPolicy DDS::OwnershipQosPolicyKind::SHARED_OWNERSHIP_QOS
DDS::OwnershipStrengthQosPolicy value = 0
DDS::LivelinessQosPolicy kind = DDS::LivelinessQosPolicyKind::AUTOMATIC_LIVELINESS_QOS lease_duration = 0
DDS::TimeBasedFilterQosPolicy minimum_separation = 0
DDS::PartitionQosPolicy 0-length sequence
DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicy kind = DDS::ReliabilityQosPolicyKind::RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS max_blocking_time = 100 milliseconds
DDS::DestinationOrderQosPolicy DDS::DestinationOrderQosPolicyKind::BY_RECEPTION_TIMESTAMP_DESTINATIONORDER_QOS
DDS::HistoryQosPolicy kind = DDS::HistoryQosPolicyKind::KEEP_LAST_HISTORY_QOS depth = 1
DDS::ResourceLimitsQosPolicy max_samples = DDS::LENGTH_UNLIMITED max_instances = DDS::LENGTH_UNLIMITED max_samples_per_instance = DDS::LENGTH_UNLIMITED
DDS::ReaderDataLifecycleQosPolicy autopurge_nowriter_samples_delay = infinite autopurge_disposed_samples_delay = infinite
DDS::EntityFactoryQosPolicy autoenable_created_entities = true


System:: Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_ADDRESS_LENGTH_MAX [static, get, inherited]

Declares length of address field in locator.

Locator_t^ DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_INVALID [static, get, inherited]

An invalid locator.

System:: Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_INVALID [static, get, inherited]

Locator of this kind is invalid.

System:: UInt32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_PORT_INVALID [static, get, inherited]

An invalid port.

array< System:: Byte>^ DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_ADDRESS_INVALID [static, get, inherited]

An invalid address.

System:: Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_UDPv4 [static, get, inherited]

A locator for a UDPv4 address.

System:: Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_UDPv6 [static, get, inherited]

A locator for a UDPv6 address.

System:: Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_RESERVED [static, get, inherited]

Locator of this kind is reserved.

System:: Int32 DDS::Locator_t::LOCATOR_KIND_SHMEM [static, get, inherited]

A locator for an address acessed via shared memory.

ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION [static, get, inherited]

The most recent protocol version. Currently 1.2.

ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_1_0 [static, get, inherited]

The protocol version 1.0.

ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_1_1 [static, get, inherited]

The protocol version 1.1.

ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_1_2 [static, get, inherited]

The protocol version 1.2.

ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_2_0 [static, get, inherited]

The protocol version 2.0.

ProtocolVersion_t DDS::ProtocolVersion_t::PROTOCOLVERSION_2_1 [static, get, inherited]

The protocol version 2.1.

VendorId_t DDS::VendorId_t::VENDORID_UNKNOWN [static, get, inherited]

The ID used when the vendor of the service implementing the RTPS protocol is not known.

System:: Int32 DDS::VendorId_t::VENDORID_LENGTH_MAX [static, get, inherited]

Length of vendor id.

ProductVersion_t DDS::ProductVersion_t::PRODUCTVERSION_UNKNOWN [static, get, inherited]

The value used when the product version is unknown.

RTI Data Distribution Service .Net APIs Version 4.5c Copyright © 9 Jun 2010 Real-Time Innovations, Inc