1. Introduction to RTI Connector

RTI Connext DDS is a software connectivity framework for real-time distributed applications. It uses the publish-subscribe communications model to make data distribution efficient and robust. At its core is the world’s leading ultra-high performance, distributed networking databus.

RTI Connector is a family of simplified APIs for publishing and subscribing to the Connext Databus in programming languages such as JavaScript.


This documentation assumes you are already familiar with basic DDS concepts. You can learn about DDS in the RTI Connext DDS Getting Started Guide, RTI Connext DDS Core Libraries User’s Manual, and the Connext DDS API documentation for C, C++, Java and .NET. These documents are available from the RTI Community portal.

In Connector, the DDS system is defined in XML. This includes the DDS entities and their data types and quality of service. Applications instantiate a Connector() object that loads an XML configuration and creates the entities that allow publishing and subscribing to DDS Topics.


By publishing and subscribing to DDS Topics, Connector seamlessly works with any other DDS applications, including Connext DDS user applications, and RTI Tools and Infrastructure Services.

1.1. How to read this documentation

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