RTI Recording Service  Version 6.0.0
 All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Groups
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
\NrtiThe RTI namespace
 \NrecordingThe RTI Recording Service namespace
  oNstorageThe RTI Recording Service storage namespace
  |oCSelectorStateThis class is used by Replay Service or Converter when asking the storage plugin for data. It specifies whether the samples should be 'not read' samples, that haven't been returned before, or that 'any' sample state is needed. It also allows to specify the time range the samples returned have to lay within (upper and lower limit)
  |oCStorageReaderStorage reader
  |oCStorageStreamInfoReaderStorage discovery stream reader
  |oCStorageStreamReaderStorage stream reader
  |oCTStorageStreamReaderA templatized wrapping implementation of StorageStreamReader, providing a strongly-typed interface regarding data and info representations
  |oCStorageStreamWriterStorage stream writer
  |oCTStorageStreamWriterA templatized wrapping implementation of StorageStreamWriter, providing a strongly-typed interface regarding data and info representations
  |\CStorageWriterStorage writer
  oCRecordingServiceThe RTI Recording Service
  oCLoggerThe singleton type used to configure RTI Recording Service verbosity
  \CServicePropertyConfiguration for a RTI Recording Service object

RTI Recording Service Version 6.0.0 Copyright © Sun Mar 3 2019 Real-Time Innovations, Inc