
Package: DDS.StatusCondition


package DDS.StatusCondition is

Summary: <<interface>> A specific DDS.Condition that is associated with each DDS.Entity.

The trigger_value of the DDS.StatusCondition depends on the communication status of that entity (e.g., arrival of data, loss of information, etc.), 'filtered' by the set of enabled_statuses on the DDS.StatusCondition.

See also: DDSStatusTypesModule
See also: DDS.WaitSet, DDS.Condition
See also: DDS.Listener


Ref (abstract)

type Ref is limited interface and DDS.Condition.Ref;


type Ref_Access is access all Ref'Class;

Subprograms & Entries

Get_Enabled_Statuses (abstract)

function Get_Enabled_Statuses 
(Self: not null access Ref) return DDS.StatusMask is abstract;

Summary: Get the list of statuses enabled on an DDS.Entity.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

Returns: list of enabled statuses.

Set_Enabled_Statuses (abstract)

procedure Set_Enabled_Statuses 
(Self: not null access Ref;
Mask: in DDS.StatusMask) is abstract;

Summary: This operation defines the list of communication statuses that determine the trigger_value of the DDS.StatusCondition.

This operation may change the trigger_value of the DDS.StatusCondition.

DDS.WaitSet objects' behavior depends on the changes of the trigger_value of their attached conditions. Therefore, any DDS.WaitSet to which the DDS.StatusCondition is attached is potentially affected by this operation.

If this function is not invoked, the default list of enabled statuses includes all the statuses.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

mask: <<in>> the list of enables statuses (see DDSStatusTypesModule) Raises: One of the DDSReturnTypesModules_std_retcodes

Get_Entity (abstract)

function Get_Entity 
(Self: not null access Ref) return access DDS.Entity.Ref'Class is abstract;

Summary: Get the DDS.Entity associated with the DDS.StatusCondition.

There is exactly one DDS.Entity assocated with each DDS.StatusCondition.

self: <<in>> Cannot be NULL

Returns: DDS.Entity associated with the DDS.StatusCondition.