6.3. What’s New in 7.0.0

This section describes what’s new, compared to the RTI Security Plugins 6.1.1.

This release adds a set of new features and improvements that will enable your Connext Secure applications with two key capabilities:

  • Seamlessly Regenerate and Redistribute Key Material

    The Security Plugins now support a mechanism to regenerate and redistribute the Key Material without needing to recreate the involved DomainParticipants or lose liveliness. This mechanism enables securely kicking DomainParticipants out of a system. Future releases will add additional ways to trigger key regeneration and redistribution. The specific new features related to this are described in Changes Related to Dynamic Participant Renewal, Revocation, and Expiration.

  • Meet Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite TOP-SECRET Level Requirements

    The Security Plugins can now operate at CNSA Suite TOP-SECRET level. In particular, this release adds support for secp384r1 key-establishment and digital-signature algorithms. The extended algorithm support is complemented with:

    • A new mechanism for early detection of cryptographic algorithms compatibility during the discovery phase.

    • A new Governance Document-based mechanism to restrict which cryptographic algorithms are authorized to be used within a DDS system.

    The specific new features related to this are described in Changes Related to Cryptographic Algorithms and Changes Related to System Extensibility and Configurability.

This section includes descriptions of products, features, and platforms that are deprecated or removed starting in release 7.0.0.

Deprecated means that the item is still supported in this release, but will be removed in a future release. Removed means that the item is discontinued or no longer supported. By specifying that an item is deprecated in this release, RTI is hereby providing customer notice that RTI reserves the right after one year from the date of this release and, with or without further notice, to immediately terminate maintenance (including without limitation, providing updates and upgrades) for the item, and no longer support the item, in a future release.

This section serves as notice under the Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Maintenance Policy #4220 and/or any other agreements by and between RTI and customer regarding maintenance and support of RTI’s software.