RTI Connext C API Version 7.4.0
QoS that are considered basic and fundamental to RTI Connext.
QoS that are considered basic and fundamental to RTI Connext.
This page lists all QoS that are considered Basic. Basic QoS are applicable to many different use cases, are widely applicable to almost any customer, and should be relatively easy to understand and set.
These are QoS policies and fields that you should be aware of even if you are not setting them today. These QoS are fundamental to DDS and to RTI Connext, and showcase RTI Connext capabilities and features.
All other Qos are applicable to a smaller subset of use cases and customers, or are finer-grained controls for a Basic QoS.
DDS_DurabilityQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The kind of durability. | |
DDS_DurabilityQosPolicy | writer_depth |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Indicates the number of samples per instance that a durable DDS_DataWriter will send to a late-joining DDS_DataReader. | |
DDS_DataRepresentationQosPolicy | compression_settings |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Structure that contains the compression settings. | |
DDS_DeadlineQosPolicy | period |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Duration of the deadline period. | |
DDS_OwnershipQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The kind of ownership | |
DDS_OwnershipStrengthQosPolicy | value |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The strength value used to arbitrate among multiple writers. | |
DDS_LivelinessQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The kind of liveliness desired. | |
DDS_LivelinessQosPolicy | lease_duration |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The duration within which a DDS_DataWriter must be asserted, or else it is assumed to be not alive. | |
DDS_LivelinessQosPolicy | assertions_per_lease_duration |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The number of assertions a DDS_DataWriter will send during a its DDS_LivelinessQosPolicy::lease_duration. | |
DDS_TimeBasedFilterQosPolicy | minimum_separation |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The minimum separation duration between subsequent samples. | |
DDS_PartitionQosPolicy | name |
<<basic>> <<spec>> A list of partition names | |
DDS_ReliabilityQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Kind of reliability. | |
DDS_ReliabilityQosPolicy | max_blocking_time |
<<basic>> <<spec>> The maximum time a DataWriter can block on a write() call. | |
DDS_DestinationOrderQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Specifies the desired kind of destination order. | |
DDS_HistoryQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Specifies the kind of history to be kept. | |
DDS_HistoryQosPolicy | depth |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Specifies the number of samples per instance to be kept, when the kind is DDS_KEEP_LAST_HISTORY_QOS | |
DDS_ResourceLimitsQosPolicy | max_samples |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Represents the maximum samples the middleware can store for any one DDS_DataWriter (or DDS_DataReader). | |
DDS_ResourceLimitsQosPolicy | max_instances |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Represents the maximum number of instances a DDS_DataWriter (or DDS_DataReader) can manage. | |
DDS_ResourceLimitsQosPolicy | initial_samples |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Represents the initial samples the middleware will store for any one DDS_DataWriter (or DDS_DataReader). | |
DDS_ResourceLimitsQosPolicy | initial_instances |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Represents the initial number of instances a DDS_DataWriter (or DDS_DataReader) will manage. | |
DDS_EntityFactoryQosPolicy | autoenable_created_entities |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Specifies whether the entity acting as a factory automatically enables the instances it creates. | |
DDS_LifespanQosPolicy | duration |
<<basic>> <<spec>> Maximum duration for the data's validity. | |
DDS_PublishModeQosPolicy | kind |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Publishing mode | |
DDS_WireProtocolQosPolicy | participant_id |
<<basic>> <<extension>> A value used to distinguish among different participants belonging to the same domain on the same host. | |
DDS_TransportBuiltinQosPolicy | mask |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Specifies the built-in transports that are registered automatically when the DDS_DomainParticipant is enabled. | |
DDS_TransportMulticastQosPolicy | value |
<<basic>> <<extension>> A sequence of multicast communications settings. | |
DDS_DiscoveryQosPolicy | initial_peers |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Determines the initial list of peers that will be contacted by the Discovery mechanism to send announcements about the presence of this participant. | |
DDS_DiscoveryQosPolicy | multicast_receive_addresses |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Specifies the multicast group addresses on which discovery-related meta-traffic can be received by the DomainParticipant. | |
DDS_DiscoveryQosPolicy | accept_unknown_peers |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Whether to accept a new participant that is not in the initial peers list. | |
DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy | participant_liveliness_lease_duration |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The liveliness lease duration for the participant. | |
DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy | participant_liveliness_assert_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The period to assert liveliness for the participant. | |
DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy | participant_announcement_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The period at which a participant announces itself to potential peers when using the Simple Participant Discovery Protocol 2.0 (SPDP2). | |
DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy | initial_participant_announcements |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The number of initial announcements sent when a participant is first enabled. | |
DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy | new_remote_participant_announcements |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The number of participant announcements sent when a remote participant is newly discovered. | |
DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy | min_initial_participant_announcement_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The minimum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered. | |
DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy | max_initial_participant_announcement_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The maximum period between initial announcements when a participant is first enabled or when a remote participant is newly discovered. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | heartbeat_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The period at which to send heartbeats. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | fast_heartbeat_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> An alternative heartbeat period used when a reliable writer needs to flush its unacknowledged samples more quickly. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | late_joiner_heartbeat_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> An alternative heartbeat period used when a reliable reader joins late and needs to be caught up on cached samples of a reliable writer more quickly than the normal heartbeat rate. | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | min_send_window_size |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Minimum size of send window of unacknowledged samples | |
DDS_RtpsReliableWriterProtocol_t | max_send_window_size |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Maximum size of send window of unacknowledged samples | |
DDS_PropertyQosPolicy | value |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Sequence of properties. | |
DDS_EntityNameQosPolicy | name |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The name of the entity. | |
DDS_BatchQosPolicy | enable |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Specifies whether or not batching is enabled. | |
DDS_BatchQosPolicy | max_data_bytes |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The maximum cumulative length of all serialized samples in a batch. | |
DDS_BatchQosPolicy | max_samples |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The maximum number of samples in a batch. | |
DDS_ProfileQosPolicy | string_profile |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Sequence of strings containing a XML document to load. | |
DDS_ProfileQosPolicy | url_profile |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Sequence of URL groups containing a set of XML documents to load. | |
DDS_ProfileQosPolicy | ignore_user_profile |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Ignores the file USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml in the current working directory. | |
DDS_ProfileQosPolicy | ignore_environment_profile |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Ignores the value of the NDDS_QOS_PROFILES. | |
DDS_ProfileQosPolicy | ignore_resource_profile |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Ignores the file NDDS_QOS_PROFILES.xml. | |
DDS_LoggingQosPolicy | verbosity |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The verbosities at which RTI Connext diagnostic information is logged. | |
DDS_LoggingQosPolicy | category |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Categories of logged messages. | |
DDS_LoggingQosPolicy | output_file |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Specifies the file to which log messages will be redirected to. | |
DDS_LoggingQosPolicy | output_file_suffix |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Sets the file suffix when logging to a set of files | |
DDS_MonitoringEventDistributionSettings | publication_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Period at which the event metric thread publishes the event metrics that have changed since the last time they were published. | |
DDS_MonitoringPeriodicDistributionSettings | polling_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Period at which the periodic metric thread polls and publishes the periodic metrics. | |
DDS_MonitoringLoggingDistributionSettings | max_historical_logs |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The number of log messages that RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 will keep as history. | |
DDS_MonitoringLoggingDistributionSettings | publication_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Period at which the logging thread publishes log messages. | |
DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings | enable |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Enables the use of a dedicated DDS_DomainParticipant to distribute the RTI Connext application telemetry data. | |
DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings | domain_id |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The domain ID used in the creation of RTI Monitoring Library 2.0 DDS_DomainParticipant. | |
DDS_MonitoringDedicatedParticipantSettings | collector_initial_peers |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Determines the initial list of peers that the discovery process will contact to send announcements about the presence of the DDS_MonitoringDistributionSettings::dedicated_participant. | |
DDS_MonitoringLoggingForwardingSettings | middleware_forwarding_level |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Log messages with NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_FACILITY_MIDDLEWARE and a log level more verbose than this value will not be distributed by RTI Monitoring Library 2.0. | |
DDS_MonitoringLoggingForwardingSettings | security_event_forwarding_level |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Log messages with NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_FACILITY_SECURITY_EVENT and a log level more verbose than this value will not be distributed by RTI Monitoring Library 2.0. | |
DDS_MonitoringLoggingForwardingSettings | service_forwarding_level |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Log messages with NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_FACILITY_SERVICE and a log level more verbose than this value will not be distributed by RTI Monitoring Library 2.0. | |
DDS_MonitoringLoggingForwardingSettings | user_forwarding_level |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Log messages with NDDS_CONFIG_LOG_FACILITY_USER and a log level more verbose than this value will not be distributed by RTI Monitoring Library 2.0. | |
DDS_MonitoringTelemetryData | metrics |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Sequence of DDS_MonitoringMetricSelection containing the event and periodic metrics that will be collected and distributed for a given set of observable resources. | |
DDS_MonitoringTelemetryData | logs |
<<basic>> <<extension>> DDS_MonitoringLoggingForwardingSettings containing the NDDS_Config_SyslogVerbosity levels that will be forwarded for the different NDDS_Config_LogFacility. | |
DDS_MonitoringQosPolicy | enable |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Enables the collection and distribution of telemetry data for an RTI Connext application using RTI Monitoring Library 2.0. | |
DDS_MonitoringQosPolicy | application_name |
<<basic>> <<extension>> The name of the resource that represents this RTI Connext application. | |
DDS_TopicQueryDispatchQosPolicy | publication_period |
<<basic>> <<extension>> Sets the periodic interval at which samples are published. | |