RTI Connext C API Version 7.4.0

Use these QoS fields to manage the liveliness of participants and endpoints, ensuring active communication and timely updates of the system state.

Use these QoS fields to manage the liveliness of participants and endpoints, ensuring active communication and timely updates of the system state.

<<basic>> <<spec>> The kind of liveliness desired.
<<basic>> <<spec>> The duration within which a DDS_DataWriter must be asserted, or else it is assumed to be not alive.
<<basic>> <<extension>> The number of assertions a DDS_DataWriter will send during a its DDS_LivelinessQosPolicy::lease_duration.
<<extension>> Maximum duration for which the DDS_DataReader will maintain information regarding a DDS_DataWriter once the DDS_DataWriter has become not alive.
<<basic>> <<extension>> The liveliness lease duration for the participant.
<<basic>> <<extension>> The period to assert liveliness for the participant.
[DEPRECATED] <<extension>> The participant's behavior for maintaining knowledge of remote participants (and their contained entities) with which discovery communication has been lost.
[DEPRECATED] <<extension>> The maximum amount of time between when a remote entity stops maintaining its liveliness and when the matched local entity realizes that fact.
<<extension>> RTPS protocol-related configuration settings for the RTPS reliable writer associated with the built-in participant message writer. This parameter only has effect if the matching participant message reader is configured with DDS_RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS DDS_ReliabilityQosPolicyKind.
[DEPRECATED] <<extension>> Reliability policy for a built-in participant message reader.
<<extension>> RTPS reliable reader protocol-related configuration settings for a built-in participant message reader. This parameter only has effect if DDS_DiscoveryConfigQosPolicy::participant_message_reader_reliability_kind is set to DDS_RELIABLE_RELIABILITY_QOS.
<<extension>> The maximum number of periodic heartbeat retries before marking a remote reader as inactive.
<<extension>> Whether to treat remote readers as inactive when their NACKs do not progress