DDS Logical View

DDS Logical view Overview

The DDS logical view presents a hierarchical view of the system from a DDS perspective. It shows a list of DDS domains ICON_DOMAIN and the topics ICON_DOMAIN_TOPIC within them.

The rows in this view indicate health with error ICON_ERROR and warning ICON_WARNING badges.

You can filter the tree by typing in the text box (which says “type filter text” when it is empty). Toolbar

The toolbar ICON_LOGICAL_TOOLBAR in this view contains controls to:

  • ICON_EXPAND_ALL Expand all tree nodes.

  • ICON_COLLAPSE_ALL Collapse all tree nodes.

  • ICON_CLEAN_UP Remove entities which are no longer present.

  • ICON_VIEW_MENU The view menu which contains items for filtering (see the next section for more).

  • Buttons to minimize and maximize the view. Filter Menus

The filter menus allow filtering by health or by health reason.

DDS Logical view filter by health
DDS Logical view filter by reason