4.3. What’s New in 7.3.0 LTS

Connext 7.3.0 LTS is a long-term support release that is built upon and combines all of the features in releases 7.0.0, 7.1.0, and 7.2.0 (see Previous Releases). See the Connext Releases page on the RTI website for more information on RTI’s software release model.

4.3.1. Connext Python API no longer needs to be manually installed

The Connext Python API no longer needs to be manually installed to publish samples. If the Connext Python API is not installed, Admin Console unzips the corresponding wheel from your Connext installation and loads it automatically at runtime.

4.3.2. Support for Python 3.12

Graphical Data Publishing in Admin Console now supports Python versions 3.6 to 3.12.

4.3.3. Connext Python API and Connext Java API version mismatch warning

A new warning displays in the Preferences dialog when the installed Connext Python API and Connext Java API versions do not match. This version mismatch could cause errors when creating publications.

Version mismatch error

4.3.4. New pre-shared key input fields

The Security Preferences dialog now includes input fields that provide an easy way to specify the pre-shared key passphrase. When these fields are used to set the seed value, Admin Console will apply the displayed Property Value to the underlying security property (dds.sec.crypto.rtps_psk_secret_passphrase).

4.3.5. Cleaner user interface design in Entity Info and Publisher State views

The Entity Info and Publisher State views have been redesigned to create a cleaner, more intuitive interface. The content within each view has not changed.

4.3.6. Vertical scrollbars available in all views

Admin Console now includes vertical scrollbars in each view that is too small to display all content.

4.3.7. Additional support for managing data types

Admin Console provides additional support for data types with the following new features:

  • The new Data Types tab in the System Graphical View shows all of the active (in use) data types.

  • A new menu item, File > Load Data Type Files, enables you to load XML files containing data types into Admin Console. The loaded data types are then available and ranked when creating subscriptions and publications to Topics.

4.3.8. Third-Party software changes

The following third-party software used by Admin Console has been upgraded:

Table 4.1 Third-Party Software Upgrades

Third-Party Software

Old Version

New Version

yFiles for JavaFX



Nebula Visualization Widgets












Apache Commons Lang



For information on third-party software used by Connext products, see the “3rdPartySoftware” documents in your installation: <NDDSHOME>/doc/manuals/connext_dds_professional/release_notes_3rdparty.