3.1. Examples

Connext Micro provides buildable example applications in the example/ directory of your installation. Each example demonstrates different features, as described below:

  • HelloWorld_transformations: A HelloWorld example that uses UDP transformations to send encrypted packets using OpenSSL.

  • HelloWorld_mag_dpse: A HelloWorld example that uses MAG to generate a dpse application.

  • HelloWorld_mag_dpde: A HelloWorld example that uses MAG to generate a dpde application.

  • HelloWorld_mag_static_udp: A HelloWorld example that uses MAG to generate a static udp application.

  • HelloWorld_mag_shared_memory: A HelloWorld example that uses MAG to generate a shared memory application.

Consult the README.txt file included with each example for instructions on how to build and run the application.

In addition to the provided examples, the RTI Code Generator available with Connext Micro can generate example DDS applications with a type definition file as input. For more information, see Generating Examples.