Creating a Custom Transport


IMPORTANT: This documentation is out of date, and details may be missing. If you are interested in developing a custom transport plugin for RTI Connext, please contact your local RTI representative or email


Connext DDS interacts with the underlying network/communications transport via a RTI Pluggable Transport API (PT API). The PT API sits in the protocol stack below the DDS Protocol (DDS-RTPS) layer. It is used for sending and receiving all the information between DomainParticipants.

On the sending side the PT API gets passed from DDS full RTPS packets as an array of bytes along with the intended destination (address/port) for the packet. On the receiving side the PT API gets these packets using its own internal transport mechanism and gives them to the DDS-RTPS layer above.

Pluggable Transport API

Connext DDS uses the PT API to implement all the supported transports bundled in the standard distribution, including UDP/IP, TCP/IP, TLS, DTLS, Shared Memory, etc.

Application developers can use the PT API to develop custom transports. Custom transports must be developed in C and they can be either linked to the final application or dynamically loaded. The configuration can be done from the application code or using file-based XML QoS Profiles.

The documentation of the pluggable transport API can be found at here.

The following XML snippet illustrates the XML configuration used by the application in this example. It loads the library named rti_custom_transports which contains the FileTransport. FileTransport is a transport plugin implemented in the files FileTransport.c and FileTransport.h included as part of this example.

Pluggable transports can be loaded and configured via the DomainParticipant PropertyQoS. As seen in the file below the property dds.transport.load_plugins is used to specify a new transport plugin class and plugin instance. In this example FILE.myPlugin. Once a plugin name has been specified, the properties with prefix dds.transport.myFilePlugin (where myFilePlugin stands for whatever name was specified in the dds.transport.load_plugins property) are used to configure that plugin.

For example in the file below the property dds.transport.FILE.myPlugin.library is used to configure the dynamic library that contains the plugin implementation, dds.transport.FILE.myPlugin.create_function defines the entry function into the library that creates the plugin, etc. 

<qos_profile name="custom_transport_Profile" is_default_qos="true">
    <!-- disable all builtin transports -->

Example description

The FILE Transport-Plugin was developed as an example of how to use the transport plugin API. The emphasis is on simplicity and understandability, not performance or scalability.

There has been no effort to make this a "real" transport to be used in a real system. Rather the goal was to use simple APIs for communications that would not distract from the APIs required to interface with the Connext DDS Core.

The FILE transport uses regular files for communication. Each "address/port" maps to a file in the file-system. The location of these files is configurable. By default they are placed under /tmp/dds/FileTransport so the file used to receive on address port 9999 would be: /tmp/dds/FileTransport/

The transport was implemented for Unix systems (Linux, MacOSX) and uses Unix system calls to perform file operations such as locking, reading and writing. It should be possible to port the FileTransport other operating systems as long as they offer similar functionality.

The address of each DomainParticipant that uses the transport is configured using PropertyQos in the DomainParticipant as shown in the XML snippet above.

In the snippet above the selected address is The addresses must be given as IPv4 (or IPv6) addresses using the standard dot notation. The addresses will be mapped to file-names by the transport plugin. If no address is specified in the PropertyQos the default of is used.

Multiple DomainParticipants can communicate using the FileTransport. The DomainParticipants may run on different computers as long as they have access to some common file systems.

DomainParticipants may also be configured to have different "addresses" regardless of weather they run on the same computer. The FileTransort only uses the address to construct the filename.

It is also possible to have a single participant can instantiate more then one FileTransport, if so, each should be given a different name and network address.

Communication using the FileTransport is simple. To send to an address/port the transport opens the corresponding file and appends the data to the end of the file. To receive, the FileTransport opens the file and reads form it, keeping track of the last position read so that it can keep reading the new data.

Access to the files is serialized using file locking. Because of this multiple applications can send "simultaneously" to the same address/port and the bytes written are serialized in the corresponding file. The receiver also uses file-locking to ensure it does not read partial messages from a file that is being concurrently updated.

The receive operation on the TransportPlugin is required to block until data is available. To keep things simple the FileTransport implements the blocking behavior by polling the file at a 1 second period to check see if there were any changes to it. This is obviously not efficient but it keeps the code simple which is the main goal.

Custom transports must be implemented in C. Please refer to the c/ subdirectory to find the source files FileTransport.c and FileTransport.h that implement the transport along with instructions on how to build and run.

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Note,  the RTI github examples contains a more recent example:

-  rticonnextdds-examples/examples/connext_dds/custom_transport
Custom Transport are typically developed in cooperation with RTI Services Team.